RID2015 Strongarm (Fluff)

921 23 10

A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more private?)

~ Strongarm is kind of new to being physically affectionate with you, but she tries her best

~ She definitely hugs and kisses you every day; if it's not enough then you're gonna have to make the first move because she's sometimes a little clueless as to how much physical affection you like

~ Strongarm is too shy to show too much pda, but she'll definitely hold your hand and occasionally kiss you on the cheek or on your forehead

~ In private, she really loves to cuddle with you while sharing loving kisses

B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)

~ Strongarm's best memory with you is when you unintentionally quoted one of her favorite police codes

C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)

~ Honestly, Strongarm likes both cats AND dogs

~ Cats are cute and cuddly while dogs are playful and energetic, so she can't really choose just one

D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)

~ Strongarm's biggest dream is to become an official detective on Cybertron

~ However, after she started dating you she wants you to be a part of her life as her lover

E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)

~ Strongarm usually spends her evenings on solo patrol, but after she started dating you it wasn't a solo patrol anymore

~ There are occasions where she hangs out with you at your place

~ Or sometimes you take Strongarm out for a date while other times she'll take you out on a simple date

~ However, other times the two of you will cuddle on your couch and watch something on tv

F = first date (what was it like?)

~ On your first date with Strongarm you invited her to your place for a movie night

~ The movies you two watched were an old Sherlock Holms film and an old Charlie Chan movie

~ Strongarm really likes old detective movies, so the two you randomly chose were the obvious best choices

~ You made plenty of snacks and you got to cuddle with her on your couch while the two of you watched the movies together

~ Strongarm really enjoyed herself; between the detective films and spending time with you was everything she could have asked for and more

G = Greetings (what was their first meeting like?)

~ Your first meeting with Strongarm was a little (very) unexpected

~ Long story short, you thought she was an ordinary everyday police officer until she transformed in order to save you from Underbite

~ Any normal human would have peed themselves if they saw a giant alien robot, but you were super excited when you met her for the first time

~ Needless to say you were shocked about finding cybertronians on Earth, but you were happy to befriend them

H = hugs (do they like hugs? What kind of hugs do they give?)

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