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(will be re-edited)

Jimin's POV

"Okay, hyung, I want you to do CPR on her, you remember how, right?" I ask as I hurry to grab our car keys, feet running around the building to reach the exit door leading to the parking lot.

'I- yes, yes I do, on it' he answers quickly and I hear him start counting, body huffing and telling me he's already giving it his all.

"You don't stop, no matter what. I'm coming over so don't end the call, I'll tell you when I'm close and you have your driver park at the side of the road, am I clear?" I tell him, hear his quick yes before he resumes counting.

I get outside and reach the car as fast as I can, door swung open before I get inside and turn on the engine without wasting time, the darkness surrounding me meaning that less people are going to be on the road and at the moment, that's a blessing.

I connect my phone to Jin's live location before driving out of the parking lot and with an extra I can allow myself, I turn on the lights and sirens of the car, something we were given considering the kind of job we do and right now, I couldn't be anymore grateful for that.

"Don't forget to keep your breathing stable, hyung, I'm on the road, okay? I'm coming" I say into the phone, not expecting a response, but he does try to control his breathing, as hard as it is. His heart must be pumping at full strength. I know mine is.

On a race with the clock to try and save a soulmate I've never met before is more than nerve-wracking and I would cry and break all the same if I don't make it in time, it doesn't matter who she is, what she is.

"Ah fuck, I didn't warn Taehyung that I'm leaving. Who's driving? Can you hear me?" I ask, voice sharp and impatient, my whole body trembling out of nervousness.

'I can. Jay, Top Junior from the fighters division. I'll call Sunoo, I know he works for you and knows Taehyung, he'll inform him' a voice replies and I nod, glad that Jin put me on speaker.

"Thank you Jay, good work tonight. Thank you for helping us" I respond, relieved that we have such reliable juniors.

I can hear Jay's voice talking to someone and I allow myself to breathe in to calm my heart. That's taken care of now, breathe, Jimin. You need to focus, Taehyung will be fine.

'Sunoo was made aware of the situation. He'll let everyone know of your departure as soon as he's done with his urgent tasks'.

I let out a breath of relief and nod. "Thank you Jay, really. Can you tell me what the situation is like right now? Is Jin using too much energy? Is he getting tired? How is the hybrid?".

I arrive at a damn red light and slow down, give enough time to the people around to come to a stop so I can pass through, much more of them around than I would've liked. I speed up once past the group of cars and keep getting closer to my soulmates' location. A few minutes left before I'm there.

'He's out of breath. Pupils dilated, probably having a panic attack. CPR stable, hybrid seems to be reacting, but I can't tell for sure. Now reaching a rest area near the river, space currently empty, where are you?' he answers.

I look at the map on my phone. "Very close. Stop there and take over the CPR, I'll be over in a minute, no more".

I end the call and swear, fist going to hit the steering wheel. I can't have Jin with a panic attack, not now. I call Taehyung's number and get ready to turn to the left when I see the rest area Jay mentioned.

Longingly, lovingly yours (INDEFINITELY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now