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Second update today? Heck yes.

Once done eating the food, Sunoo eventually leaves since he has other things to do but promises to be back in a few hours again to keep track of my state and talk a little, something about how he could also bring Heeseung and a few other friends he has over the next days, that I could like them and become great friends, if I want to of course.

It's a shame to see him go, it was something comforting to not be the only hybrid in the room, even though I'm not particularly uncomfortable with the three humans, they're just not like me.

When only the four of us remain in the room, it's oddly familiar and entertaining to watch them bicker and have fun together, stories they tell me about some weird things the hybrids have done so far without telling me exactly who did it so as to allow them to keep their dignity, a shame really because some stories are so funny Jimin has to physically hold me to avoid me hurting my wounds.

And when it's time for Jin and Taehyung to leave after a while since they too have other tasks to do, the food they knew I wouldn't be able to eat going to the other hybrids, something that reassures me, their absence leaves me feeling emptier than ever and it must show on my face and behavior because Jimin smiles softly at me, a knowing sigh leaving his lips.

"It feels empty when they leave, doesn't it? Like the sun just left the room" he says, his words echoing my thought and leaving me surprised. Does he feel the same way I do? At my lack of response, he hums and stands up from his chair to walk around the room, an apparent need in him to tidy the place up a little before going to do something else.

I watch him to his things and yawn, a sudden tiredness taking over me now that I ate so much. I feel like if I close my eyes, I'm going to sleep forever. Jimin chuckles and nods to himself as he looks at a weird object in his hand that lights up.

"Right, you ate a lot so you must be getting tired. Your body got a lot of energy and it's going to use every nutrients it received to get you to heal properly. Don't hesitate to close your eyes and rest, something tells me the walking around will only happen tomorrow, but that's not a bad thing. It'll allow the stitches to take place properly and it'll probably be easier for you to walk by then" he explains before walking over to grab the warm blanket that was covering me earlier to draw it over my body again.

The warmth that envelops me only serves to increase my fatigue and I yawn again, jaw stretching wide, teeth exposed to the world before I rest my head down on the soft fluffy thing he adjusts for me. I'm sure a cloud would be just as comfortable as this.

"Now, if you ever wake up and need anything" he starts and points at a small object with a piece sticking out of it. "You press this button, okay? It'll make a sound, not too loud but it can take by surprise the first time. I or someone else will be around very quickly, okay? Don't worry, if I don't make it there first, I'm on the way. You can expect either Sunoo or Heeseung depending on who is free first, I know you haven't met the other human yet but don't worry, he's very sweet and attentive, I'm sure you'll like him too" he continues explaining before rubbing one of my ears between his fingers, the act making my eyes get even heavier, purr leaving me at the act.

"Now you be a sweet girl and take it easy okay? I don't want you to get out of bed alone, call for us if you need anything, anything at all" he repeats before turning off the light and leaves the room. As soon as the door closes behind him, I fall asleep, feeling content and at peace.

Jungkook's POV

It all happens so quickly. As if a lock is being unlocked after so many years, the process slow and creaky, as if my whole being is forced and pushed to do something it hasn't done in so long, but when it's done, when the key is out and you finally open the door, there's no going back.

Longingly, lovingly yours (INDEFINITELY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now