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(will be re-edited)

Jin's POV

What could she possibly need to eat first?

Meat? Yes, some ripe fruits as well... I know as a hybrid she'd need more but since she's probably spent more than half her life in her animal form, I don't want to upset her stomach by including other types of food, so meat and fruits it is for now.

Not completely raw, but not completely cooked either because I want her stomach to start getting used to a new type of diet. Sounds good to me, let's do this.

With that in mind, I start working in the kitchen, ingredients taken out one after the other, maybe just a little more than what I should be allowed for one hybrid but who cares, I'll just buy more later.

This is my soulmate we're talking about and after seeing her unconscious for more than a week, a constant fear that she might be stuck in a coma crawling at the back of my mind every single minute of every day, I intend to spoil her as much as I'm allowed to and I will bend the rules if I have to as well.

She'll be eating like a queen and she'll be recovering twice as fast. Heck, I know I've done the exact same for our other soulmates.

It's been wonderful to see them learn to trust us, seeing them allow us closer, hands petting their fur and scales, the bath times getting splashed by them because they're having the time of their life jumping around, I love it all.

The cuddle sessions they've slowly started getting into within their small group as well, the drugs leaving their body finally allowing their natural scent to seep out, they must not understand the attraction they feel, towards each other and towards us and it must really confuse them because I doubt they learned much at all at the circus, but I just know they feel the bond as well, they know we're different from the others, that something unites us, something not visible to the eyes.

The little snake is one cuddly little guy, always wrapped around me, Jimin or Taehyung and it's mainly him who managed to convince the others to open up to us, to let us in some more, to see for themselves that we're not here to hurt them, that they're not here to keep hurting and since then, they've been really close to us, following us everywhere and always asking for attention.

I put the pieces of meat into a big container next to the fruits as they get cooked and sigh to myself.

Seeing the percentage of drug in their blood, something absolutely illegal that forbids hybrids from shifting forms, it makes me so mad. They've been trapped like animals in cages more than just literally. They've also been trapped within themselves. So much we're going to have to teach them, lessons about everything we can possibly think of.

Luckily, we have some wonderful teachers getting everything ready, classes that will focus on the most important first, on the bases, such as telling aliments apart from one another, types of buildings, types of places, what it means to play games, to have fun, products used to wash oneself and how to use them, how to cook, how to get dressed, how to choose complete outfits appropriate for different types of situations before gradually adding school lessons, it will take a few years but we don't have much choice.

If they want to live a normal life outside of these walls, then it has to be done.

They're also going to have to attend therapy, no doubt that everything they went through will weight heavily on their mind. To have to fight your friends, to be forced to kill while thousands of people cheer loudly around you, of course you won't trust those same people, even if not everyone is like that. Their situation was from an extreme you don't see everyday and some are heavily traumatized, so much that they have yet to allow any humans nearby.

Longingly, lovingly yours (INDEFINITELY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now