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"Are the preparations for tonight's show getting ready? Make sure the beasts are obedient, alright? We can't have them cause problems like last time, we got negative feedback by our VIPs and I was scolded by the higher-ups, I don't want that happening again" I hear one of the jailers say with a warning in his tone, his higher rank enough to give him an arrogant behaviour towards the lower grade employees.

"Everything's going as planned and it won't happen again, we've made sure to show them what happens if they misbehave like that once more so they should follow the rules" another man answers with a bow before they part ways and away from my cell.

I resist a growl of annoyance and huff out to calm my anger, I hate that they don't even try to hide their conversations from us, we're nothing more than animals to their eyes and it makes me mad.

Jungkook slithers under the bars of the cell's door and over to me, his own cell definitely not made for keeping a snake still and I watch as he slides through my fur and over my body until he can wrap his length around my neck to keep warm, the cold never does any good to him.

At feeling him so near, I relax a little, a nuzzle of my nose to the side of his head, the only way I have in this form to let him know that we're going to be fine, my only way to let him know that I'll do my best to keep him safe.

It doesn't help that Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok aren't here with us right now, we're usually kept together before a show since it improves our behaviour and makes us more 'obedient', but because of what happened a few days ago, they were taken away and locked in another cold and dark room away from here.

I feel so bad about it, if only I hadn't had that sudden anxiety attack, the jailers wouldn't have tried to knock me out with a terrifying syringe and Yoongi wouldn't have tried to attack the one closest to me.

He got aggressive on my behalf and that in turn sent him away. Hoseok and Namjoon were next as they became restless. The jailers don't like us nervous, I guess we scare them when we're in that state, we're more unpredictable so it's easier to tie us up against a wall until they decide that enough is enough.

If only I had better control of myself, this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be separated right now, the only thing I hate more than being put under the spotlight.

I feel a growl threaten to rumble its way out of my chest and Jungkook nudges my ear at the vibrations shaking my body, his body tightening just enough around my neck to warn me to stay silent, we managed to remain untouched this far, we don't want to change that now.

Another patrol of jailers walk near and I turn my face to stare at the cold stone wall in front of me to avoid seeing the way they point and snicker at me, I don't want to see the smirks they sport whenever they land their eyes on us, orbs shining as if they're looking at precious treasures.

It makes me sick.

I wish I could stand up and rip their throats open one after the other before fleeing this place, but I can't guarantee everyone's survival nor my own if I do that and the last thing I want is for my only family to get hurt in an attempt to save ourselves from this hell.

The feeling of powerlessness is like a crown of thorns holding onto my heart, a reminder that we're never going to be able to get out of here, not while we're alive. We're to be used like objects for the sickening entertainment of people who only await a bath of blood.

For the purpose of us being here is to bring to life a circus of hell.

Being forced to hurt our friends, claws digging deep enough into skin to draw blood but not enough to kill, this is what we have to do whenever we're thrown on scene.

Longingly, lovingly yours (INDEFINITELY DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now