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When the night finally came to an end, Seonghwa drove me home. I went inside smiling, reminiscing about the time we spent together. That was until I realized I had forgotten my clothes at his place. I sighed since I knew he was going to tease me about it tomorrow. I guess I'd let him after I yelled at him for doing the same thing.

But, the next morning came and there was no sign of a mocking Seonghwa anywhere. It made me feel a little wary, but I wasn't about to go out of my way to actively look for him. Instead, I went to my locker to put away my things. Things were going fine until I pulled out my key and saw the chain that San had attached to it. The stupid thing drove me crazy, so I yanked it off and threw it back in my bag. Afterwards, I headed to class which was where I found a huge crowd of students surrounding the area where I sat. They all hollered and laughed, but I couldn't see what was so funny. Frustrated, I pushed my way in only to find something that made my jaw drop to the ground.

Seonghwa was there in his usual spot just like any other day. Only this time, he was wearing my hoodie with two things attached to his chest. I was so speechless that I couldn't even call out his name. It only took seconds for someone to notice me in the crowd.

"Hey, Sun-hee, meet Sun-hee!" a boy screamed, pushing me into my desk. The class immediately erupted into laughter which only made Seonghwa sit up higher as his pride started to build up.

"I think the new Sun-hee has even nicer boobs than the original!" another shouted.

"Yeah, and maybe this version will actually keep them to herself instead of posting them online!"

Everyone went back and forth, continuously mocking me, all while Seonghwa sat, basking in the glory of being the class clown. At that point all I wanted was to run out. The whole thing was too humiliating to be a part of.

"Hey, guys, you should probably tone it down," Seonghwa said, finally trying to remedy the situation. But, it was too late. The damage had already been done.

"What're you guys doing? Sit down!" a voice suddenly called out. When we all turned to look, we realized the teacher had come in to shut us down. I silently thanked her for intervening, even if it was a little late. She was about to begin class until she noticed Seonghwa taking things out of his hoodie.

"Excuse me, Seonghwa. What do you think you're doing?" she questioned.

"Oh, I was just putting my lunch in my bag," he replied. But, it didn't seem like she bought his answer. So, she made her way over to his desk and demanded for him to unzip his bag. When he did, she pulled out two grapefruits. He gave her an innocent smile before she rolled her eyes and walked back to the front. As she did, Seonghwa turned around and shot me an apologetic look.

After class ended, I ran out as fast as I could since I didn't want to deal with whatever else Seonghwa had planned. But, he quickly caught up to me and pulled my shoulder back to face him.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"You're seriously asking me if I'm okay after you just impersonated me and laughed as everyone continuously threw in insults?"

I looked around as people began to surround us now. Seonghwa seemed to notice too as his expression suddenly grew much colder.

"Lighten up, Sun-hee. It was just a joke," he said, watching the crowd to see their reactions.

"Yeah? Well, I'm glad I'm just a joke to you," I spat.

"Why are you so mad? This was supposed to be funny," he argued. The more of a jerk he acted, the rowdier the crowd became.

"Maybe I'm tired of you using me just to entertain everyone else."

"It's not that serious. Chill."

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