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A/N: Hi everyone, I just wanted to apologize since I know this story is getting really long and is dragging itself out. I understand how tiring it must be to read certain things over and over, such as Sun-hee constantly going back and forth and each relationship being so up and down. But, in order for the story to go smoother, or at least make a little more sense, I decided to be as detailed as possible. I wanted to bring this up because when I first posted the story poll, I didn't expect to be adding so many chapters after it. But, I keep getting new ideas which has prolonged the story to the point where even I am getting confused at some points. No need to worry though, the ending is already planned out. It's just that the process of getting there is becoming more complicated since I want to add so many things to this story. I hope this doesn't discourage you, but if it does, you're free to revisit the shorter version of this story or to just stop reading all together. To those who have continued to stick by though and have been following along with every update, I really do appreciate all your support and I hope this story doesn't disappoint you once it's finished. And of course, please enjoy this chapter (and all the ones that are before and after it haha) ❤️❤️

Once my shift ended, I immediately called Seonghwa since I was so shocked to see that he actually found me. But, after calling him three times in a row with no answer, I was getting a little concerned. I even left a voice message and still didn't get a single text back telling me what was going on. Did his phone die? If it did, I just hoped he didn't leave town already.

"Bora!" I yelled as soon as I got home.

"Ah, there's my sunshine! How was work?" she asked before walking over to greet me.

"Seonghwa was there!"

"What? Are you sure you're not just seeing things?" she joked.

"No, other girls saw him too. He really was there! You have to help me find him!" I yelled as I grabbed her shirt and tugged it back and forth.

"Just calm down first and tell me what happened, okay?"

"There's no time! He could be leaving at any second!"

"And you already tried calling him?"

I nodded my head as she sighed.

"Let's go," she muttered before grabbing her car keys.

"How do you think we'll even find him this late at night?" Bora asked as she drove.

"It's not like this town is that big."

"We can't just mindlessly drive without a single clue of where he could be though."

"The convenience store," I whispered after suddenly remembering the girls' conversation.


"Just take me to the nearest convenience store."

Bora sighed but didn't question me any further.

Once we got there, I couldn't run in fast enough and almost tripped over my own feet. But, when I entered, it was basically vacant with only a half-awake cashier in the front. So, I left the store, completely in a bitter mood. I don't know why I was expecting him to be there. It's not like this town only had one convenience store.

"Where should we go next?" she asked as she started the car again.


"I don't think he'll be there." She laughed as I sighed.

"What am I even doing, Bora? Why am I acting so crazy right now?"

"I think you're lonely, Sun-hee. And you and I both know Seonghwa is the one who usually helps you out when you are."

*DISCONTINUED* initial | Ateez San & Seonghwa Where stories live. Discover now