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Thoughts are in bold

"vin, did you post it yet?"

" yeah, look"

i make my way back to the sofa with our ramen, i pass him the bowl. He hands me his phone to see the tik tok he posted of us skating and being dumb.

" eww why did u put that part in i look so fucking stupid"

" because i look good duhh, calm down u look cute, and even if u dont i look to good for anyone to even notice"

" woah a litlle cocky, dont u think?"

" maybe a little but you act like you didnt just take like twenty photos of yourself and stare at them and say you'd tap that."

"ok but did you see them is the real question, like damn, i rlly would"

"shut upp, but they were cute i guess"

"ahh, you seee, you love me, i knew"

" ofc i do who else would i have to humble me if not u?"

" whatever i gotta keep em in check, purr"

vinnie and I have been bestfriends since what feels like the begining of time, but is really since we were 6. we met in school and he was the first one to introduce himself to me, and we clicked, now we're prettymuch inseperable. Lately though things have kinda been changing between us into a more romantic way but im scared to bring it up, cause I dont wanna be wrong and things get awkward.

later on...

"elle, you ready?"

" umm yeah, gimme like 2 seconds"

i finish putting on my rings and my little heart necklace with horns that matched my dress.

" fuck, vin can u come here i can't put this stupid necklace"

he walks in through my door fixing his watch a bit.

damn. he looks good

" come, look I need you to like put it on for me please."

"yeah i got u"

i move my hair to the side so it won't get stuck and i feel him breathing down my neck, giving me chills

holy shitt

"There, let me see"

he turns me around and i give him a simple grin

"wow" i hear him say under his breath."uhm, you look gorgeous Giselle"


"thank you, you dont look too bad yourself vincent"

" shut upp, u never call me vincent"

" ikk, it felt weird lmao, but it fit the occasion ig"

" come on weirdo" he put his hand out, i take it and we walked out to his car

"so y are we going to this party again" i ask him

" because troy and aaron wouldn't leave me the fuck alone until we came, i mean plus you really should get out the house and live more"

" i guess, you know i hate these stupid la parties, its the same shit everytime i have to see these fake bitches i dont like, talk to them and pretend to care about the stupid shit they tell me. I would rather stay home watching that 70s show with you, sahar or nai."

" I know you would. Listen how about this, if u get bored and shit gets lame, we'll leave and get food?"

" ok that sounds doable" " at least sahar and nai are going"

" you see ik if theyre there your gonna have fun, think about it the last ones we went to they werent there"

"true, hold up theyre texting me"

Girll I'm excited in alr working on chapter 2
I'm excited for this story it's a lot better than my last one ☝🏼
Voteeeee plz 🧍🏻‍♀️

Fame and Fortune  Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now