21 2 0

"hey bitchh" nai said with a cup of coffee in her hand

"wheres sahar?" i asked as i got in the house

" bitch left to go see kio" she sipped her coffee

" sis rlly said give me the dick, ok doja" i laughed

" so wtf happened last night cuz the way you and vinnie looked it couldnt of have been nothing" she said

I threw my purse on the chair near the table and went to the sofa where nai was at

"umm... babes.. me and vinnie... como se dice.. kissed" i said

"I knew it!!" nai raised her eyebrows, cheering as she hit me

"shut up" i told her nudging her

"fuck yeah sahar better run me my 20 as soon as she get in this house"
anyways, so how was it??"

"bitchh, i loved it" i laughed

"purr, if yall dont stop playing and get together alr" she looked at me

"anyways, did u see how that video blew up tho.. wtf" i told her with wide eyes

"yeah it be like that" she sipped her coffee

"so nai, we have to find you a boyfriend"

"me, no, what is the purpose of a man, all they do is disappoint "
(If u get the reference ykkk)

"no no no, even tho we hate men, u respectfully deserve a good one"

"y tho?" she asked

"the real question NAILea is , y not"

" I guess" she rolled her eyes as she finished her coffee

" so what are we doing later?"

"movie night?" she asked

" id be offended if it wasn't" i told her

"wanna watch kill bill or super bad?" She asked

"kill bill, and get takeout"I asked


"text sahar and tell her to bring her lame ass home for the movie"

" alr i just texted her hol on, she said she wanted to spend the day with kiO" she mocked the boys name

"Should we tell her to bring him?" I said with a concerned expression

"Wtv we'll let sis have her boy moment, I told her to bring him"


Later on ..

You and nai were eating the tacos you guys had gotten for lunch. You looked down at your phone to see a message notification from vinnie.


come over imy

            vin I left not too long ago


            come over we're doing a                                        
                                movie night

alr I'll be there in 20 dork

                            wtv vasectomy

Fame and Fortune  Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now