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Song Recommendations

POV by Ariana grande
Safety Net by Ariana grande
All I need by Lloyd (slowed version)

"Omfgg yess I remember that"

Me and vinnie were currently sitting next to each other in a booth eating our burgers at in n out laughing and talking about old memories and dumb shit we do.

"Anyways, did u enjoy the party?" He asked me.
"You know what I actually did"

"See I told u way better than the lame ass parties you used to go to"

"I know" "who knows maybe we'll go to parties more often"

"Oh yeah what happened to I'd rather stay home and watch that 70's show" he leans in a bit

"I don't know maybe and I mean maybe these parties are kinda fun" I say in a low tone

"What was your favorite part of the night?" He asks in a lower tone now too

" hmm.. it had to be when you were driving on the highway and we had the windows down and we were yelling the lyrics to chase Atlantic songs.. what's yours?" I say leaning in a little too

The tension between us starts to rise, at this point we're looking into each other's eyes I can't help but but to look at his lips.

"Right now" he says as he gently pulls me in and suddenly our eyes shut and our lips connect, and I feel a million butterflies in my stomach erupt. the kiss was passionate yet gentle and soft. It felt like forever but I never wanted it to end, I felt safe with him.

We both pull away. Still holding my face he looks at me and tells me

" you're beautiful"

"Thank you"
Was all I could say he left me speechless. A couple seconds after he let go of me.

"Uhm.. I'm gonna use the bathroom before we go" I tell him.

"I'll be here waiting" he tells me

After I finish we left the restaurant we got into the car.

"So are you gonna take me home or am I staying at your place?" I asked

"Which ever you want love, remember you still have extra clothes from the last time you came over"

" yeah, I'll stay over that way it'll be less driving too"

"Ok let's go" he says as he starts backing out of the parking lot

The ride back to his apartment was pretty quite with music in the background of course, it was a comfortable silence though. I was still trying to comprehend everything that had just gone down.

Maybe it was just because we were both a bit tipsy, maybe it was just caught up in the moment. It was amazing though.

I couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

After about 20 minutes we got to his house. He got out and opened up the car door for me. We walk up to the elevator wait for it. I decided to break the silence.

"I'm happy im sleeping over actually, I missed Hera" I giggled

"You wanna know something funny?"


"Sometimes when we're on FaceTime Hera will like get near the phone and lay next to me because she hears your voice"

"Aww no way"


"That's so cute"

By this time we had already gone into and out the elevator and are walking up to his door. Once we get inside I lay my bag on the chair.

" umm you can take a shower first, I'll go get your towel and clothes."

After we're both done taking a shower and doing our night routine. We both lay in his bed.


"Yeah?" He replies

"You wanna watch that 70's show?" I ask

"Giselle what is it with you and this show?"

"Hey, I mean what do u want me to say it's a good show"

"Fine, come here"
He opened his arm for me to cuddle with him. We laid there watching it till we fell asleep.

Everything between us always felt natural, I feel like I could tell him anything and not be worried about being judged.

The next morning...

As I'm waking up I feel vinnies
arms wrapped around me. I look at him and he looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. Out of nowhere I hear a constant buzzing sound coming from both our phones.

It's probably the girls harassing us about me sleeping over

I reach out to the nightstand and grab my phone I go to look at the notifications and...

"Holy shitt" I say

"Hmm?what is it?" Vinnie asked barely awake

Cliffhanger bitchhesssss
Im currently writing the next chapter I rlly have no life

Fame and Fortune  Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now