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Song Reccomendations

"Hmm? what is it?" Vinnie asked barely awake

"Look at your phone quick" i told him

He grabbed his phone from the night stand and looked atthe screen as his eyes instantly widened

"What the fuckk" he said scrolling through all the notifications on tiktok

"Is this from that stupid video we posted yesterday?" i asked with a shocked expression

"Yeah actually..... im reading all the comments rn" he said

"Its probably all 12 year old talking about how cute you are"

"Half of them are talking about you actually, but i mean yeah there are 12 year olds calling me cute"

"Wait let me see" i say snatching the phone from him " they think im cute"

" I mean why wouldnt they" he said grinning

This boy betta shut up before I grab his and kiss him rn

" shut upp, ur kinda ok yourself" i nudge him

" But for real, my accounts blowing up big time"

" Mine too shit, look at this even my youtube" i said

" wtf, what if we start posting a whole bnunch of shit more and we get like famous or something"

"Imagine" "but honestly do you think it will work?" i turn to him

"Isn't that like how charli, addison, and even nai started?" he said

" for charli and addison yeah, i think nai's thing has always been youtube tho"

"See thats even better cause she can help you , think about it shes your bestfriend thats like already a gurantee she'll help you and like you'll get views and shit, also she can teach you to edit good"

i mean i do have a good following on insta too

"you know what, fuck it lets do it'' i said hype us up

"tik tok ain't ready for us" he said throwing his arm over my shoulder and smirking



Later on....

"Hey so i asked nai if she could help me so when i go home were gonna start working on ideas on what to film" i said in an excited tone

" thats awesome, guess it does come in handy living with those losers" he told me

"yeah its really fun, so what are you gonna post mr. hacker" help my hand as a fake microphone up to him

"you know i think thirst traps are my calling"he said confidently

"oh yeah" i said suprised and laughing my ass off.

"yup" he replied

" ok then, you heard it here first folks, beware of an attractive blonde thirst trap that might attempt to pop up on your fyp"

"you think im attractive?"

oh shit i said that out loud.. fuck what do i say

"yeah, but don't flatter yourself too much"

"whateverrr come here" he pulls me in for a hug

" ahhh dont get all mushy on me now hacker... you gotta be cool for your fangirls"

" oh so u dont want me to hug u anymore? ok i see how it is" he pulls away

" noo come here, you know what i meant" i said pulling back to me

"mhm sure "he said not hugging me back

"come on vin" i said

"im just playingg i know what u meant i just like seeing u beg for me" he smirked

"i hate you vincent" i said

"sure you do" he said

later on....

"you ready to go?" he asked

"yeah lets go.... bye heraa" i hugged her

We got into the car and drove back to the pretty bitch apartment ( aka me, sahar, and nais apartment)

"ok i'll see you tomorrow, call me" i told him

"love you"

"love you more" i told him as i was walking away.

i got into the apartment

" hey whoress, im homee" i yelled


I love how I was like ima post
often then didn't post for like
2 weeks 🌝

Fame and Fortune  Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now