21 2 0

Me and Vin got back to the house with the food. Vinnie unlocked and opened the door for me.

"we got the food hoes" i said hold the bag of chinese food in the air.

"finally, give me." nai tooking the bag opening it and seperating the foods.

" yess nai pass me the noodles those are for me" sahar reached her hand out

I was helping nai serve everyone their food, i looked over at vinnie as he was talking to kio, they were talking about stupid shit that arron does when he's high, i made my way over to him with his plate in hand. I walked up to him, he winked at me as he took the plate from my hands.

hes perfect

As im walikg back to the table to finally get my plate sahar pulled me towards the bathroom in the hallway, away from the living room.
she looked at me with wide eyes as she pulled my hair out of the way of my neck.

"bitch is that a hickey?" she asked smiling with her eyes still wide

"wait what?" i asked with a shocked expression

"girll" she pushed me into the bathroom

"shit"  i looked at my neck seeing a couple hickeys.

this asshole

"babes what happened since that party?" she asked

" well i've been trying to tell u but you've been busy sucking kios dick" i looked at her

"shut up, did you two fuck?" she asked

" girl no, we just made out like twice and i slept over his place last night" i told

" aww i knew it, nai owes me my twenty bucks since you guys still left in the middle of the party" she told me

" you bitches and this bet ihy"  i rolled my eyes playfully

"alr lets go eat and watch this movie" she nudged me

i walked back to the sofa with the food i looked around to see where to sit but all the seats were taken, i was standing infront of vinnie as i was about to sit on the rug i felt his hands grab my waist and pull on to his lap. i adjusted myself and got comfortable. we started watching the movie everyone was joking about stupid things going on. Then sahar got up in the middle of it.

"wait guys i know the whole speech, watch" she says

" sahar sit ur ass back down" vin joked

"shut tf up, let me have my moment" she pointed at him

"as your leader i encourage you from time to time, always in a respestful manner, to question my logic. If you are unconvinced a particular plan of action ive decide is not the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you and i promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo ... except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, NOW'S THE FUCKING TIME!! ... I didn't think so." she said copying the gestures.

" yuhhh look at my wifee" nai said

" yeah look at my baby" i said

" thank you, thank you " she bowed

Vinnie looked at me and whispered in my ear" you cheating on me already?''

" who said we were together?" i asked whispered

" what about that kiss tho?" he looked at me sadly

"you gotta try harder than that " i looked at him

" oh yeah?"  he asked

" yup " i popped the p when i when i whispered

"dont worry before you know it you'll be mine" he said as he gently held my throat

omfgggggggggg lorddd

" mhm sure" i whispered

" just you watch" he whispered back

bro do you wanna have my babies rn?

"shut up and watch the movie"

" why when i could watch you?" he looked at me

"i hate you" i giggled

"mhm sure you do" he said

The rest of the night all of us played games and talked me and vin  fell asleep together on the couch.

heyy babes so i decided next chapter is the smut you're welcome 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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