Chapter One

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A/N: PLEASE READ!!!!! I need feedback comments, tell me what you like don't like. I'm not going to make the story to fit what you want but it'll definitely affect the way I write. Point out my grammatical errors like all of them. Tell me, what's stupid. Is it too slow is it too fast? Don't be afraid to comment. Tell me what you think.


                Chapter One

                All I wanted was an A in English, just so I could be the straight-A student my parents would maybe notice. But you know when you ask for something, fate gives you just a little more than you asked for. Or at least it seems that I always get just a little more than I asked for.

                His name, the Douche, was Sherman Garfunkel. A name I could have killed myself over, and could only be sad that he hadn't. Mr. Garfunkel, was the high school counselor assigned to me, because ever since... ever, I've been picked on, like that time I was pushed into the Ravine in 4th grade.

                The Ravine is a DEEP crack on the edge of town, right past the field where my reading tree sits. I was just minding my business, reading a book when they charged me. Four or five boys with deepset hatred in their eyes. They brutally beat me, breaking a couple of my fragile ribs, pushed me into the Ravine and left me there to rot.

                I can even recall the book I had been reading. It was called Savior. The irony, right? No one saved me, no one heard my screams. I was only rescued because I was blocking the water way for some rich lady's water supply. A day or so after the incident, her fountain had stopped working, so they sent someone to fix it. The guy who found me was too high off his ass to even gather that I was human. He poked at my ribs with a long metal pole like I was a clump of mud that could be washed away. Two days I was stuck in that hole. My leg began to throb, and I was having an increasingly hard time breathing half-submerged in water.

                To match several broken ribs, I had a sprained ankle, and a severely broken arm that never healed quite the same.

But back to Mr. Garfunkel.

We were in Chemistry and I did pretty good in the class. It was a normal day, just like any other. People were throwing things at me, spitting small pieces of wet paper at me through straws and passing notes of me doing inappropiate things. Basic stuff.

                Now all was normal, until Alex (the main suspect if I die) and I were both called to the front office. It was only first period, so I was like coincidence. I was also thinking, damn it, I'm going to be alone with him, in the empty hallway, and this fool is going to kill me. He was the culprit who had kindly pushed me into the Ravine when we were nine years old. Now we are 16 physically, while, I'm more of a mental 25, he could maybe pass as an almost 17.

                I got up hesistantly, smoothing out my Sunday best dress, and brushed spitballs of the top. I stepped around my desk pushing up my glasses and started the dreadful walk down the aisle. Of course, on my way down there were several attempts to trip me. Sabrina Foty unzipped the side of my dress a little low. "Nerd of the month, XYZ!", she yelled.

                "Well, at least it's not the SLUT of the month award.", I retaliated, hurriedly zipping my dress back up.

                Alex was holding the door, the biggest smile humanly possible smeared across his face. He looked like a more twisted version of the Cheshire Cat. Uttletly creepy, but then again he is a creepy person. We practically fought over who would go through the door first. He somewhat won; we both squeezed through and I can tell you I barely made it.

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