Chapter Eight

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A/N: PLEASE READ!!!!! I need feedback comments, tell me what you like don't like. I'm not going to make the story to fit what you want but it'll definitely affect the way I right. Point out my grammatical errors all of them. Tell me what's stupid. Is it too slow is it too fast?Don't be afraid to comment.Tell me what you think...

And I know a lot of you are probably mad because of what I've been doing to Liz and after this you may never talk to me but uhmm hang in there. She's strong so be strong as well.


Liz's POV

I can't sleep, and think about anything besides the ring. I find myself twirling it unconsciously on my finger, putting it in the light to watch it sparkle and hiding it from my mother so she won't ask questions.

I haven't cried about it and I know I probably should but I just can't. It hurts a lot like it should, but I didn't expect it to hurt so deeply. I mean, I can't remember doing all this making this big treasure hunt.

I don't remember the under the tree wedding, or making or buying or making customized wedding rings. I don't even remember liking steampunk stuff, how do you not remember your own interests.

Not remembering who I am is what hurts the most, I think. So, when I told him seeing him hurt I was selfishly thinking of just myself. I didn't think of what that did to him. Which is why I'm stewing about this and why I'm fishing painfully through the boxes of my past looking for the trick.

The thing we were missing to make it work, to give us the next clue, ruffling through the old tea-stained papers I found the blueprint to my wedding ring but not his. Probably lost somewhere like at the storage house but once I figure out the clue to this I am sure I will be able to figure his out as well.

I didn't exactly understand what the blueprint said not that I ever understand what I write after the fact. But the picture did help it had the silly border I like to put on everything.

I was home alone and I thought I'd dilly-dally for awhile, so I grabbed a magnifying glass out of the kitchen tools drawer. Sitting under the lamp in my sisters room and peering squinty-eyed at the border.

It was done in dark colors unlike the hidden message that was done in light blue and lime green. This had bronze and lots of black and dark red, it was little gears.

Small children played along the borders in a forest of machine birds. They wore goggles an utility belts filled with standard tools, to do or fix just about most things, and as you got more along the border they got older.

Soon they were a boy and a girl growing up to the point where they were married in an air ballon, and carrying a baby on the clouds. I looked away, the likeness to Alex and myself was unbearable.

I had had enough but not as quickly as I thought I got a glimpse of two old people sitting hand in hand.

When I got emotionally over the border, I went back to the blueprint (of course this was after a bowl of popcorn and a Syfy movie an hour later). The ring was mean to project a picture. The real trick was where was I gonna find a light to fit through the ring hole to shine bright enough to project it onto the wall?

In the picture there was a device that was used but I didnt have it. It was a little early in the morning, and I knew everyone would be out but him, it being break, but I was all in a what-the-heck mood.

So I went out back and got the bike I never returned folding the blueprint up sticking it in my pocket and started down to the Waters residence.

I waved out at all the old people on the way there, and saw Lex waiting at the arts and crafts store. Waiting ever so patiently for who I've not the slightest idea. "I was just coming up to the house." I said brushing hair from my forehead, "I have-" I turned around to get the map.

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