The walk home

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"Why are you following me?" I screamed.

"I can't believe you don't know why. I'm your stalker." the stalker stated.

Wait, let me start from the beginning. It all started on the walk home from school a week ago. I was walking with my friends Tessa and Annabelle when all of the sudden I noticed that a truck was following us. I said to my friends,"Guys, race you to my house!" I took off towards my house with my friends close behind and I noticed the truck was racing after us. I ran as fast as I could and I could hear our feet pounding on the pavement. As soon as we reached my house, I immediately told them to come inside.

Once inside I locked all the doors and told them to come to my room. My friends, still out of breath, said,"What's the rush? I want some lemonade." I opened the curtains and found the truck parked in my driveway. My mom wasn't home yet so I had to make dinner. Using the time I had, I took in the appearance of the truck. It was a Jeep with tinted window and the color of the truck was black. I looked at the license plate and it was "STALKER".

I screamed and Tessa came to see what was wrong. I quickly closed the curtains and said "Nothing" in a high pitched voice. Tessa whipped her long blonde hair at me and said,"You screamed. I came over here. You closed the curtains. You said 'Nothing' in a high pitched voice. I know my friend and something scared you behind that curtain that you don't want to tell me about. So get out of my way so I can see what the heck scared you."

I slowly inched away from the curtains and Tessa slowly inched towards the curtains.

"Why in the world is a truck in your driveway? Especially a truck with the license plate of STALKER!!!" Tessa screeched. "Trust me Tessa, I have no idea why that truck is there."

Looking up at Tessa, she shoved me to the wall and grasped my neck. "If you are lying to me, I swear, I will kill you right here right now." Gasping for air, I choked out "I'm not lying to you." "Good." Tessa said. She released my neck and I could breath again. She brushed off her hands and I could still feel where her hands were.
Looking down at the ground I muttered, "How did we ever become friends?" I looked up to see Tessa staring at me so straight in the eye that it hurt. Just looking at her made me remember.

It was 3rd grade and our teacher, Mrs. Wong, set us up for a project. Tessa turned to me and said,"Hey you. Do all the work or else." I looked at her and said in my shy, timid voice, "Okay." When I was done she signed her name on it with her big, nasty handwriting. I turned in the project and we (I) got an A. Then she looked down on me and said/screamed,"You are my new best friend weather you like it or not." Ever since then I just always hung around with her and listens to what ever she said.

Tessa said, "If you don't listen to what I say, there will be consequences. I can go outside right know and ask that stalker to come in this house and kill you. Or I can do it myself. Choose one!"

I backed away from Tessa straight into a wall. I started to scream as Tessa pulled out a pocket knife and started running towards me. "This isn't going to" At last Annabelle came and said,"What in the world is going on? Tessa stop!!" But Tessa already stabbed me 3 times. Blood dripped on the floor and Annabelle screamed. "I'm calling the cops!" Annabelle screamed. "Oh no your not!" Tessa replyed. She started running towards Annabelle.

"911. What is your emergency?" The police lady on the phone said. "HELP ME AND MY FRIEND!!!!! MY FRIEND HAS BEEN STABBED 3 TIMES AND THE SAME STABBER IS TRYING TO STAB ME TO!! COME PLEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Annabelle screamed. Tessa dropped the phone and said,"This is what you get for trying to call the cops!"

Tessa was now stabbing Annabelle and even though I was in so much pain I got up and started pulling Tessa's long blonde hair. That was a distraction for Annabelle to run. Tessa picked me up and threw me on my couch. Blood rolled off the white leather. I started walking backwards slowly and then Tessa jumped on the couch. I tried to punch her off but she ducked and kicked me. All of the sudden, Tessa started running towards me at great speed. Since I'm a gymnast, I did a perfect backflip handspring and landed off my couch. Tessa flew off my couch, into my wall because when she tried to stop running, her legs were still going so she flew. Tessa quickly got up and screamed,"I'm not done with you!!!!" in a singsongy voice. She pulled out a gun.

I smiled as I looked out the window to see a police car pulling into my driveway.

I gasped as I noticed that the Jeep was still out there. The police car slowed down when they passed by the Jeep. The Jeep raced off my driveway so fast that when I blinked, it was gone. Since only one police car was there, they couldn't chase after the truck. The policemen rushed out of there car and ran straight towards my front door. Then, they kicked open the door and paused a minute to take in the scene.

Knife with fresh blood on it and blood all over the floor. Girl with gun aimed at another girl that looks seriously injured. Girl on front porch with blood on her. Close by I could hear the sound of an ambulance heading our way.

Tessa was about to pull the trigger when one of the police officers slapped it out of her hand. They handcuffed her and said,"You are under arrest. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law."

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