A whole new life...I think

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The next day Annabelle and I get out of the hospital with stitches all over. As our moms roll us away in wheelchairs, Annabelle's mom said quietly,"If you knew that Tessa was this dangerous, why didn't you get away from her?" Annabelle and I pretended not to hear what she said because she didn't understand what we went through. I remember the first time I met Annabelle.

In 4th grade, Annabelle was sitting all alone on the edge of a slide on the playground during recess. It was one of those rare days when Tessa wasn't at school. I walk over to where Annabelle was sitting and said, "Do you want me to go down the slide with you?" Annabelle, stunned that a person was talking to her, looked up and said, "Who, me?" I smiled at her. "Yes." I replied and reached for her hand. She smiled back at me and held on to my hand. Together we walked up the slide and slid down having the time of our lives.

Unfortunately, Tessa was back the next day. Annabelle came to class before her so she was sitting in the chair where Tessa usually sat. 2 minutes later Annabelle went to the nurse with a bloody nose and 2 pencil and scissor stab wounds. Tessa screamed at me,"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE OTHER FRIENDS!!!!!!!! YOUR ONLY FRIEND IS MEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Then the teacher told her to go outside for screaming and not using her inside voice. Tessa picked her up and slammed her down on the ground. Tessa then screamed at the teacher,"DON'T YOU EVER AND I MEAN EVER TELL ME TO USE MY INSIDE VOICE!!!! AND I WILL NOT GET IN TROUBLE FOR SCREAMING IN CLASS. UNDERSTOOD!!??" Our teacher, cleary frightened, said, "Yes Tessa. I understand." Then Tessa picked her up again and through her across the classroom. The next thing you know there were 2 people in the nurse's office.

When Annabelle and I get to our cars, my heart stops when I see what car is parked behind us. Or should I say truck.

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