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"Mama!" Luna shouts and tackles me with a hug almost knocking me backward.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, it was all my fault my plan failed and I, a-and -" she soon becomes a stuttering mess in my arms, and my heart clenched at the sight of my baby hurting, the last I saw her like this was the night I told them my story.

"It's okay my Little lamb, shhh it's okay baby, we are fine" I reassure her and brush her back lightly as she shakes with sobs.

I could see how scared she might have been, knowing that we could have been in danger because of her plan, but none of this was her fault and I needed her to understand that.

"It's not your fault baby, I understand you just wanted your parents together, I understand my heart, please do not beat yourself up, your father and I can take down a storm, never forget that okay baby?" I ask her.

She nods her head, still sniffling, I smile and kiss her temple, she looked much like my small baby girl right this moment, not the mafia princess who was forced to grow up faster and the thought of that made me feel sorry for her.

"Mama, Luna only came up with the plan so you and Pape could talk things out, I'm the one who mistakenly trusted uncle Nico with the plan, it's my mistake Mama I am sorry," Emiliano says coming in to hug us both.

Ermanno and Sumeya soon joined in on the hug and I can't help but giggle at the big babies.

"Well since no one gives a sh*t about me, yes, your mother and I are both fine, now clean this mess up all of you, and bring your sh*t head of an uncle to the house, and make sure Emiliano does not kill him am I clear!?" Emilio's voice booms with so much Authority cutting off our little moment.

I know if the kids were scared before, they were now ready to leave the country, I gave Emilio a stink eye for scaring them and he glared right back at me.

"Don't give me that look, Now stop babying those brats and come with me we have a long overdue chat, my dear wife" He says.

Back to being an as**, I see

I pat Luna's back and give the twins and Sumeya a kiss on the cheek, before walking towards Emilio.

"Uhm Mama- " an unsure voice calls out to me.

I look back to Sumeya and my heart melts, I asked her many times to call me mama and she has been reluctant to do so, and right now she looks so shy and unsure but I can not help the big smile that splits my face.

"Yes, baby" I reply almost bouncing in my step.

Emilio chuckles at my reaction and I can see the twins trying to hide their smiles

"We're, we're in Milan," she says playing with the zipper of her hoodie nervously.

"What!" Both Emilio and I exclaimed.

"The f*ck did you put on my drink, that I slept through an entire flight, you little sh*ts!?" Emilio moves forward to attack our sons but I hold onto him and switched us so I was between him and the kids.

I was also now getting upset and annoyed at their recklessness, but at least one of us has to be calm or it will be chaos.

"Emi, it's alright, we will drive to mom's estate," I say pulling him.

"Manno baby, call your grandmother, tell her we are on our way, go straight there when you are done here, okay?" 

"Yes Ma, am," the twins say at the same time, looking a little shaken by their father's outburst.

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