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Italy, Iva's house


"When can you get here?" I asked Demir, looking at the screen, he was sitting in his office looking stressed and distracted.

"I don't know Teyze (aunty), maybe next week, unless you allow me to pay someone to do all this school work then I'll be there tomorrow" He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

I looked at him worried, he was in his last year of high school and already had a lot on his plate, I would have stayed longer with him, but I have put issues on hold for too long, I needed to get this over with for my piece of mind.

"When is Ferit coming back?" I asked.

"This weekend, but I'm not certain about leaving him here, you know how he gets, he doesn't want this life, his wife just gave birth and this baby is like a miracle to them, he wants to be there for her"

My face turned into a scowl, the woman did nothing wrong to me, but I just didn't like her when we first met, she was nice but I saw how she treated others who were not of the same standard as her.

"Don't make that face, by the way, it's a boy" Demir laughed.

"I assume you haven't told him about Ales" his face fell and he shook his head.

"He is staying with grandma Celine, they have him enrolled in a public school, he won't talk about what happened when he was taken" I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Don't blame yourself, you are still very young, and have a lot of responsibility already, grandma Celine is a good decision on Ales's part, you focus on school, I promise this chaos will be over soon," I tell him.

"Tesekkur ederim" (thank you).

"So University, College, have you decided?" I ask trying to switch the topic to a more positive one.

"So many to choose from, but I guess the states are off the list now, so maybe some institutes around Turkey" He shrugs.

"Understandable, let me not keep you from work, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?".

" Okay, before you hang up, how are things with the twins and Aluna?"

"They are mad at me, I kicked their father's butt" I joked.

"He let you, I won't believe the big scary Don let a tiny human beat him" he chuckles.

"Hey respect your elders, you little brat!" I shout at him playfully.

He laughs shaking his head.

"Uzgunum Teyze, seni seviyorum" (Sorry Aunty, I love you) he smiles at the screen.

"I love you too, Aslanim".

Ending the call, I sighed thinking about the kids, it's been two weeks since that incident, Sumeya has been doing better than I thought, I call to check up on her from time to time, I don't overdo it, but most times I call not only to see how she is but to also check on Alunamida.

My daughter has been avoiding me since New Orleans, when I called her that night, she told me she would only talk to me again when I decide to come home, yes she was as stubborn as her mother, but right now I wish she hadn't inherited that trait as it was currently frustrating me, because there was no way in hell I was going to allow myself to be locked up by Emilio.

" Yes, I know, can you stop, bye, I'm hanging up now" I heard Bradley whispering as I got closer to the kitchen.

My house wasn't too big, I wanted a place with just enough rooms, a place with a homey feeling, I thought the interior designer would have a difficult time achieving the comfort feel I was going for, but she has proven herself capable.

"What are you whispering about?" I ask and he turns and smirks at me.

"My future wife," he replies.

I roll my eyes at him and move to make Turkish tea for myself, I had gotten a little addicted to it since I stayed with Demir's family for almost two years.

"I went to the Morelli castle, saw Marcus's boy there, he's grown into an arrogant prick".

" You do know he's only a year younger than us right," I ask him.

"Yeah whatever, You were right as usual, the attempt on the girls was Marcus, I'm guessing he found out that Emilio went to the states, and decided to kidnap them and pin that on you, he was counting on the fact that you blew up his car trying to kill him, so when you failed you went after your daughter" Bradley stated.

I hummed in response, only I didn't think he went after Luna just to get Emilio to hate me, as far as everyone is concerned we already hate each other.

"You have a point, but I don't know, Marcus is cunning yes, but he wants Emilio to trust him, either he must have known I wasn't in Italy or he did it to lure me out, knowing my history with protecting and rescuing victimized children, I was damn sure not going let him keep mine in the same situation, but he wasn't counting on two teenage girls taking out grown men by themselves, I'm proud of the Twins, Emi told me they train with them every day".

Bradley laughed and clapped his hands, I looked at him a bit freaked out at his reaction.

" Emi, you called him Emi" he laughed shaking his head.

"So you guys talk but you refuse to see him, are you planning on taking him back?" He asked.

"So in all of that, that's what you're focusing on?" I questioned.

"Yes, because as much as I want to shoot that scary f*cker for hurting you, I still believe if you guys stopped this feud this thing would be wrapped up faster and Marcus can finally get what he deserves, being on opposite sides with Emilio doesn't benefit you, him, or your children"

"I'm not getting back together, with him" I glared at him.

"Now you just being difficult, you know that I'm right on this one, I'm not saying get in the sheets with the guy, you will do that by yourself, but put your hate and sexual frustration aside for one f*cking second! let him in on the plan, let him help us finish this." Bradley insists.

I continue to give him the stink eye, but I wasn't ready to jump into the lion's den just yet.

"No, I can handle it, Marcus is always around him," I say leaving the kitchen.

"I swear you are the smartest person I know, but when it comes to your relationship with that cold f*cker you call husband, you're the dumbest b*tch!" He yelled at me.

Turning around I sent my glass mug still filled with hot tea straight for his face, he ducked down and got up to glare at me.

"Leave," I tell him.

"You can throw things at me all you want, you know I'm right, psychopath" he shouts again.

"I hate you right now," I tell him.

"No, you hate being wrong, but you love me Sorella, which is why I'm telling you what no one else will because you're a scary tigress and also because I know you and I love you, let Emilio in, tell him everything, and I mean everything" he looks at me his eyes begging me to listen.

I looked down and walked away, a part of me knew he was right, but what he was asking of me can not be an option, All of this would have been for nothing if something happens to them.

I sighed entering my bedroom, I picked up my phone and dialed.

"Something bad happened isn't it?"

"No, but I think I need your help this time around," I say.

"When do you need me?".

"One week from now".

" Alright, I'll start preparing".

The line ended, Bradley was right, but I was still scared, with this, things could either get better or even worse and I was scared.

I was Terrified of Emilio finding out.


Thank you for reading



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