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"I want my baby, Emilio, I want her healthy and safe in my arms, I just got her back I can't lose her!"

"Iva please, the doctors are doing all they can, we flew in the best team of surgeons from Japan baby have faith"

"Have Faith!, Have Faith?" She screams.

"Mama please, we need to be strong for her" Ermanno tried.

"I'm tired of being strong, being strong is what started all this, now I'm going to lose my baby all thanks to being strong, don't ever tell me to be strong!"

"Ok hang in"

"I don't want to, I want my baby Emilio, please bring her back to me, she hasn't lived, I fought so hard I can not lose her in the end" Iva sobbed.

Emilio hugged her close to him comforting her, he was at a loss, all he had left was faith in the doctors and a never-ending series of short prayers just for his little girl to live, just then a doctor came with a somber look on his face he started speaking.

"Mr. and Mrs. Morelli, I'm sorry we -"

"Noooo" Iva screamed and threw herself on the floor.

"Not my baby please not my baby!"


"Nooo! Please, I just got her back" she cries again.


"Noo please, please"

"Iva wake up baby!"



One year later

"Wake up baby, it's ok, she's ok" Emilio tries his best to wake his wife up, his face frowned with concern.

They have been going to therapy for a year, as a couple and as a family, things were getting better between them and the family was closer than ever.

But Iva still had night terrors about the day Luna was shot, in reality, she had not been hurt bad, the bullet went through her shoulder, what had knocked her out was the force she used to take down Marcus, sending them both down hard and she hit her head and suffered a concussion.

In Iva's dream though a darker twist takes place, where Luna dies over and over again.

They have been working on finding the root cause of this repeating night terror, and have concluded that it may be due to stress and trauma of seeing her child getting hurt, fueled by past traumatic experiences that were never dealt with starting from the death of her younger sister up to the battle with Marcus.

She had been fighting for her life and the life of her loved ones for a very long time and had not been taking care of her mental state, and now the nightmare is over but she is still trapped in it, her mind creates an even worse reality than what it is and that worried everyone.

"It felt so real" she sobbed in his arms and held on to him tightly.

At that moment, Luna bounced in without knocking and threw herself on top of her parents.

"Hello lovely parents, I see you've grown clingy to each other" she teased not yet aware of her mother's tears.

Iva laughed, sniffling in the process giving herself away.

"Mama I'm here, pretty and healthy, I'll greet you every morning till you get used to our true reality" Luna promised and kissed her mother on the cheek.

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