Domino Chinese 16 - 20

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Lesson 16

生 to give birth to (bb)
星 a star
星星 star
其 its (bb)
期 period
日期 date
今天是什么日期? What date it is today?
星期 week
一个星期 a week
星期一 Monday
星期二 Tuesday
星期三 Wednesday
星期四 Thursday
星期五 Friday
星期六 Saturday
星期天 Sunday
星期日 Sunday
今天是星期三。 Today is Wednesday.
用 to use
不用 without,no need
不用谢 You're welcome
写 write
不用写 no need to write
写字 write characters
又 left hand, again (bb)
叉子 fork
刀叉 knife & fork
文 literature
文明 civilization
中文 Chinese Language
你的英文不好 Your English is not good
你的中文名字是什么?What is your Chinese name?
英文 English
我的英文名字是。。。 My English name is ....
天文 Astronomy
寸 inch (bb)
对 Yes. That's right.
不对 Not right.
对不对 Right?
对吧 Right.

Lesson 17

朋 Friend
友 Friend
朋友 Friend
他是你的朋友。He is my friend.
好朋友 Good Friend
我们两个是好朋友。 The two of us are good friends.
小朋友 Kids
碰 Touch. Poke.
我碰你。 I poke/touch you.
力 force(bb)
男 male
男人 man
男朋友 boyfriend
女朋友 girlfriend
她是我的女朋友。 She is my girlfriend.
女孩 Girl
女孩子 Girl
男孩 Boy
男孩子 Boy
小孩儿 Kids. Little Children
右 right side
左 left side
另 another (bb)
拐 turn
右拐 turn right
左拐 turn left
有 have
我有一个勺子 I have a spoon.
有你有我。Have you, have me.
有人吗? Is anybody there?
有人。 There is someone here.
有钱。Have money
有名 famous
他很有名。He is very famous.
没有 No, (I) didn't
有没有 Do you have? Is there?
有没有Mayo? Do you have Mayo?
没有Mayo. There's no Mayo.
有意思 interesting
没有意思 It is not interesting/pointless
没意思 Not interesting
没有为什么 No why. No reason.

Lesson 18

爪子 Claw (bb)
爱 To love
我爱你 I love you.
我也爱你。 I love you too
可爱的 cute
你很可爱 You're so cute.
好可爱!Very cute!
小可爱 Bra
有爱 affectionate/lovely
他很有爱。He is very lovely.
爱国 patriotic
爱国的人 patriot
爱人 lover
爱好 hobby
你的爱好是什么? What is your hobby?
做爱 to make love
做朋友 make friends
你要不要做朋友? Do you want to make friends?
喜 to like
欠 to owe(bb)
欢 to like
喜欢 to like
我很喜欢你。 I like you a lot.
你喜欢我吗?Do you like me?
他们都喜欢我。They all like me.
我两个都喜欢。I like both.
还 still/also
还好 fine/ It 's ok.
还可以 Fine.
还OK。 slang for Fine.
还要 Also want.
你还要什么?What more do you want?
我要那个还要那个。I want this and this
我要爸爸妈妈还要一个妹妹。I want Dad, Mom, and also a younger sister.
还有 There's also
还有叉子吗?Is there also a fork?
还要什么?What more is there?

Lesson 19

这个 This one
这个是我的 This one is mine
这个钱是我的 This money is mine.
这是我的 This is mine
这两个是我的 These two are mine
那两个 Those two
这两个 These two
这天 This day
这句 This sentence
那天 that day
哪? Which?
天哪! Heavens!
哪个? Which one?
哪天? Which day?
哪国人? Which country are you from?
你是哪国人?What is your nationality?
我是中国人。I am Chinese.
这人 here
那儿 there
哪儿? where
这人有两个人。Here are two people.
中国有很多人。There are a lot of people in China.
还是 or
你要这个还是那个? Do you want this one or that one?
还有 Also/Furthermore
我要这个,我还要这个。I want this one, and I also want this one.
我要这个, 还有我要这个。I want this one, and also I want this one.
合 close. merge
拿 to take
拿那个 take that one
给 to give
给我 gjve me
那个给我 That one, give me.
给我那个。Give me that one.
拿那个给我 Take that and give it to me.
目 eyes
看 to look
听 to listen
给我看 to show
你可以给我看吗? Can you show me?
我给你看,可以吗?I'll show you, OK?
纸 paper

Lesson 20

巾 towel (bb)
纸巾 tissue
有没有纸巾? Have a tissue?
土 soil
吐 to throw up
在 to be at/in
你在吗?Are you there?
他不在 He is not in here.
我不爱中国。I don't love China.
我不在中国。Iam not in China.
我在这儿。I'm here.
她在这儿。She is here.
你在哪儿?Where are you?
我在这儿工作。I work here.
在这儿写 Here, write.
写在这儿 Write here.
你在哪儿工作? Where do you work?
厕 toilet
厕所 Toilet
厕所在哪儿?Where is the toilet?
在意 to care
我不在意。 I don't care.
兑 to exchange
说 to speak
说什么? say what?
用中文怎么说那个? How to say that in Chinese?
用中文怎么说这个? How to say this in Chinese?
用中文怎么写这个? How to write this in Chinese?
小说 novel
这样 like this
那样 like that
我可以这样说吗?Can I say it like that?
不可以这样说。You can't say it like that.
可以这样写吗?Can I write it like that?
怎么说? How to say?
这样说 Say like this
会 can/ to be able to
我会中文 I know Chinese.
我会说中文。I can speak Chinese.
你会说中文吗?Can you speak Chinese?
我不会写字。I can't write characters.
在 progressive tense
我在写 I'm writing
我在看这个。I'm watching this.
你在做什么?What are you doing?
你们两个在做什么?What are you two doing?
我们在做作业。We are doing homework.
还在 still
我还在这儿。I'm srill here.
我还在看这个。I'm still watching this.
哦 Oh
嗯 Mmmm. Yes. Ok.
嗯嗯 Ah.
很好啊! Very good!
呀 Ah.
不对呀!Not right!
哎呀! Oh gosh
哎哟 ouch/ ow

Note: Finally, here is the end of the Domino Chinese Level 1 lessons which are available at Skillshare.

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