chapter 11 - Future and Past

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Purple, the colour of my old room, now the colour of my side. Brown, the uniform colour of the soldiers that burned down that room, now the colour of the cast thing on my left leg. Staring up I could see only darkness then a tiny round pinprick of light in the middle. I turned my head round to get a better view of my surroundings. I couldn't see much as it was pitch black but I, as usual, could hear Everett moaning away with his normal phrases of "Urgh what was that?" and "Did you just poke me?". This was before I heard a thud, Everett go "oowwwww" and then him say "Why did you kick me? Do you know who I am." This brought a smile to my face as, no we don't know who you are.

I was comftable here, more comfy than I had been in a long time and I liked it. I felt relaxed and dreamy, like nothing could ever trouble me again. I felt as if I could just drift off to sleep even lying on the cold ground, right here, so I shut my eyes and...


My mind was racing and open but my  eyes were not. No matter how hard I tried they remained tightly shut. I had known subconciously that something was wrong and I was right. I should have known the symptons for this type of gas attack but it came so fast how was I ment to tell. I.....should have...............................known. My mind slowed until I was deep asleep.

"One..Two..Three...Four...Five. Ready or not here I come. Rebekah where are you?" The sound of small feet run padding across the hard stone floor. I carefully look behind the cupboard careful not to cause anything to fall off. I ran into the kitchen and looked around, Rebekah could hide anywhere. I turned to go into the living room, the walls painted a calming shade of blue. I loved Rebekah's family home it was such a happy place. We had been best friends since birth and for the six years we had known each other our friendship had grown. I turned the corner only to find Rebekah in the middle of the room, crying. Over her pale pink dress she wore a strange jacket. I stopped something wasn't right.

"Tyler.." Rebekah's voice cracked. "I need you to go now!" Only then did I hear the slow steady beeping and see the numbers on the jacket counting steadily down. 20...19...18...17.

"Tyler, run." Rebekah started to cry again, so I ran. Then the house exploded.

I sat straight up, hot tears streaming down my face. Nothing would remove that menory. I had tried therapy, counselling and even hypnosis but nothing, nothing could erase it.

I heard a small giggle from behind, my head snapped around to see who it was. Only then did I notice the small roughly built room I was in with it's mud floor and wooden walls. Only then did I feel the soft breeze coming in through small odd shaped windows. The giggle had come from a small dark haired, pale skinned girl, who sat, staring at me from on top of a support beam.

"Sorry about her. She's never seen an off islander before." I turned back round to see a short woman coming in through the door way.

"Who are you?" I was so confused, one minute here, another there.

"Oh, I'm April and this.." The girl jumped down landing perfectly. "This is Bee, say hello Bee."

"Hello, how are you?" The little girl asked me. She looked about ten or eleven but I couldn't tell.

"Hi I'm Tyler, wait why am I telling you this?" I was a bit freaked out usually I didn't answer questions, People answered mine or else.

"I don't know but anyway.. Tyler, are you listening." April looked at me.

"You know, you are a very lucky girl. You could of had a very nasty broken leg but instead you just got a nasty deep cut. It should heal enougth to walk on in a few days."

"A few days!" I was in shock, I thought it would take a lot longer.

"Yeah, we have this organic medicine that heals skin tissue very quickly." April explained.

"APRIL!!! EMERGENCY!!!!" April ran out the room. Bee came and sat on the end of my bench. "So... What am I doing here?"

Hi Guys I know it took quite a long time to update but I have revision and coursework that I should be doing but Oh well I'll catch up. Hope you like it. Comment if you feel like it and vote if you think it is good enough!!!!!!!! :):)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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