Chapter 8 - The Lighthouse

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Hi Guys sorry I havent updated in ages but I had exams and I also had writers block so I am back with more ideas so that I can get this chapter out and more as quickly as I can!! :):):)  [][] {}{}

We got to the Lighthouse eventually, Paul sometimes before me and sometimes behind me but we got there in the end.

"Paul help me with the door, it's stuck." I asked him we were both really tired after our long swim but he started to get up anyway. "We need to get in there might be food and drink in there." Paul made his way over to the door and I noticed that he was limping. "wait Paul are you OK?" I asked

"Yeah i'm fine." he replied "I just twisted my ankle that's all." He rammed the door down with ease and he walked ,well limped inside. I followed him in. 

The Lighthouse was not in a great condition but considering that it was shelter it was great for us.

"Hey do you wanna go round and check what we've got to last until the morning because  I am starving over here." Paul asked.

"Fine i'll check the top rooms you check the bottom floor and first floor rooms since we need provisions." I replied to him "Also I will look for some bandages or something to help with all of our cuts and bruises."

I watched as he limped into the darkness of the first room. I thought about Tyler and whether we would ever see her alive again. No I won't think that but Paul and I will have to go look for her tomorrow, I hope she is alive and I hope we can get off this creepy island.

I walked up the pitch black stairs feeling my way along with my hands and feet when I felt something like a cylinder and smooth in my hand. I fumbled with it in my hand until I found a switch , I pushed the switch and suddenly a dim light surrounded me. What I had found was the lighthouse keepers old torch, finally we had some light. Using my new light I managed to find  three old oil lamps on the wall of the room I was in, I searched around until I came across some oil to go in them. I lit the lamps and only then could I see what the whole room looked like.

It was what looked like an old kitchen just like the one I used to have in my old home. That thought filled me with tears I had hoped that I had pushed that horrible memory out of my head, far enough down so that no one would find it not even me. At that moment Paul came through the door, his face was as white as a sheet and he was swaying slowly from one side to the other. He then tumbled onto his side leaning on his arms. I ran over to him and helped him into a sitting position.

"Paul ." I asked with a worried and scared tint to my voice. "What is it?"

I know it is yet another short chapter so sorry if I had you interested and I ruined your fun but sorry I had to leave it on that cliffhanger for their next chapter to fit in.

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