chapter 10 - darkness falls

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Hi guys sorry i have not updated in ages but i  have had a lot of things to do and when your getting up involentarily at half six on a saturday morning then you dont feel like writing for the rest of the day! ; ) I hope you like this chapter as i spent a lot of time thinking about the plot and where its going to go from here.

I stared into Paul's eyes to try and tell what had scared him so much. I had never seen him like this before and it was scary. To think that he had always been the bravest one out of the three of us. Now we were both as terrified as each other.

Paul turned to look at me his eyes were wild with terror. He just sat there looking into the distance. I felt as if I had to find us some food to eat so I looked around the room for something that could be edible. I searched through the cupboards around the room and I found a few old tins of canned food.

"Right then Paul we have a fine choice of Lidl's juciy peaches or pears which do you want?" But still he just sat looking as if in his own dream world. "Come on Paul, if your not going to speak to me then just show me what terrified you and then I might be able to help." Paul slowly got up, regained his strength and grabbed hold of my wrist, he pulled me along the dark corridors slowly because it was dark but quick enough to cause my to loose my footing a couple of times.

We turned a corner and then he stopped, he dropped my wrist and looked down at the the door that was in front of us. I prepared myself for when we walked through the door. Nothing could be as bad as what we were just about to encounter if it made Paul this frightened. I noticed that there was a thin beam of light coming from the under side of the door. I slowly pushed open the door and revealed... Nothing, nothing but the sea gushing towards us but just falling short of the door so that only the salty spray could reach us.

I turned around to Paul and looked at him with what was probably the oddest look I have ever given anyone. "Ha ha Paul very funny, good joke." I was annoyed he had got me all wound up about nothing, but then Paul just turned around and pointed. He pointed through the darkness and the swirling sea spray to reveal something I hadn't seen before.

A little bit of the room that should of been there was in fact actually still there. But what was on it would have shocked even the most hard hearted person, there was a small odd shaped mound on the ledge. An unmoving mound that through the darkness you could just make out as a small child.

Paul turned to me "we have to do something, they might be alive. They can tell us where Tyler is." I saw the pleading in his eyes and knew that I couldn't refuse to this.

"OK here is what we will do. There is a very narrow ledge along the edge of this wall if you can get along it you can reach them. Then I will come straight after you to help if they are... well you know not alive then the least we can do is give them a good farewell.

Paul immediatly stepped out onto the edge and started gradually making his way along until about five minutes later, with a lot of near accidents, he had finally got to the other side. I then followed slowly putting one foot in front of the other but eventually I had also got to the ledge where the small child was.

I ran over to where Paul was sat in front of the child head lowered down to the child's body. He spun round.

"Their breathing but its weak and I am afraid they might not make it." I looked around for something to wrap the child in but found nothing. "We need to get the child back to the first room you went to." And with that he swung the child up and onto his shoulder and made his way back to the other side by the door. I followed swiftly after.

He ran up the stairs quickly and I followed. As we entered the room he placed the child next to an oil lamp and started looking for some blankets and supplies, I went over to the child and lay them on their back with their feet in the air to bring them back to consciousness. After Paul and I had done our best to help them I started to prepare some food while Paul searched the other rooms.

"Hey where am I?"

"Paul" I shouted then I ran over to the child "What is your name? How old are you? Are you OK? Uurrrmmm are you a boy... Or a girl......?"

"Wait. I said where am I??" The child sat up and tried to stand but stumbled and fell on their knees and then onto their side. "Ooowwwww that hurt."

"You must rest we still don't know how badly hurt you are! Let Paul examine your injuries and sort out any medical things that need doing. It will just be like going to the doctors."

"I don't like going to the doctors, and to answer your questions I am called Zeb, I am ten years old, I'm a boy and do you think I'm OK!" The newly renamed Zeb explained.

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