Yoongi - Morning coffee

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"What do you want little girl, Daddy can't hear you."

You were awakened by the smell of coffee in your room and a gentle shaking. You really wanted to roll back over and go to sleep, but something told you that this was a bad idea. Slowly as you opened your eyes, you saw those beautiful orbs looking down at you. They belonged to Yoongi, your longtime boyfriend. A gentle smile graced your face when you saw those eyes.

"Is it morning already?" you asked as you rolled over.

He smirked, "Sure is. I already got the coffee started...after all, you're really going to need it." He said.

You blinked a bit and rubbed your eyes as you sat up, but then you noticed something else... He definitely wasn't in his boxers when you went to sleep, but now he was, and the undeniable tent in them let you know exactly what he was looking for.

"O-oh..." you said blushing furiously. Even to this day, you were still a little bashful about these kinds of things.

He pulled you closer with no real warning whatsoever and held you firm to his chest.

"You look sexiest when your waking up in the morning. Something about that willingness I guess." He said, noting how he wasn't having to convince you much. His fingers were already playing lightly with your soaking entry, which he could feel easily through the panties.

You were already moaning at this point, and he was absolutely right about you being unable to resist him.

He pulled you into his lap, and now you were forced to feel his cock right at your entrance as it played with and teased your aching channel.

As your moans escalated, his hands moved to grab ahold of each breast and fondle them, index finger and thumb pinching your nipples. "You like this?" he asked softly near your ear.

You didn't realize how horny you could get in the mornings, but here you were about to die if he didn't start fucking you.

"Oh god!" you cried out, "Yes!"

His false thrusts got quicker and the pinches got harder, "Then you know what to say baby doll" he asked.

"Daddy...!" you breathed out as you fought to get some sort of release.

Yoongis smile widened significantly and he leaned down to start kissing your neck and delivering tiny bites that left distinct marks, "That's right. What do you want daddy to do to you?" he asked hotly.

"I-I want you to fuck me!" you said.

You could barely think straight, and your heart was racing. You hoped he would oblige you.

Instead, he stopped abruptly and lifted you off of him, setting you down to the side. Your body couldn't have been anymore deprived, and it made you moan in protest.

"Wait!" you pleaded.

"Sorry. Coffee timer's about to go off any minute now, and I'd hate to burn it. It's good quality. I figured you could finish the job and make us both a cup." He said winking at you.

Something in you knew this was not the end of it. He always liked throwing curveballs. You stood up and straightened up your tee shirt before nodding, "I don't mind at all." You said.

He smirked at the helpless smile plastered on your face and then walked up behind you.

"I'll come with you so I can make sure you do it just like I taught you." He said as he walked with you to the kitchen.

Sure enough, coffee had been brewed in the pot. The whole house smelled like the primo blend he always purchased.

You reached up to the cabinet and started to grab a couple of mugs, but without warning his hands were up your shirt and fondling your breasts yet again.

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