You and Me

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Ben swam back and got back onto the boat as I grabbed Mal's dragon claw and we flew back together. In a mix of red and purple smoke, Mal and I were back to normal...only my hair was now majorly curly and I have an awesome dress on. Mal and I were still holding hands, and I looked to see Jay and Carlos smiling at me

I giggled and waved, before Mal and I bowed. Jay, Ben, and Carlos bowed back, and we were escorted down the stairs, to where Evie was "I was not aware that you could do that" Evie whispered "Tell me about it, that makes three of us" Mal whispered back

Mal's dress was sizzling so Evie blew it out, and held her hands out to us "Shall we?" "We shall" I nodded, as Mal and I held onto her hands. We walked down the rest of the stairs. Ben kissed Mal. Carlos put his hand on Ben's shoulder "Alright alright alright alright" Carlos laughed

Jay and him hugged me, both planting a kiss on my cheeks making me blush "I owe you guys so much" Ben said. Evie nodded, saying "Yeah" and everyone laughed and agreed "If there's anything you need, or anything I can do for you-" "Um actually" Evie raised her hand "There is, Ben. I know a girl, who'd love to come to Auradon. Its Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little sister to me"

"Then she should come" Ben smiled, making Evie grin "Well actually, there are a lot of kids from the Isle that would love to go to Auradon. Kids just like us that deserve a second chance. Do you think that we could get you a list?" I stepped forward to ask Ben

"Yes. Yes! Absolutely" He nodded. I smiled at Evie as people around us clapped. I turned around to look at Carlos and Jay, kicking water at them. They flinched back and I laughed. Jay smirked at Carlos as they teamed up and splashed me with a lot of water. I squealed and they laughed, pulling me into a hug, Carlos behind me, and Jay in front

Itty Bitty Time Skip
I held onto the boys' hands as Mal and Ben stood in front of us. The magic sky music began, signalling a song, and Ben started singing "Looking back at yesterday, I thought I gave it everything, but still there's so much road ahead of me" Mal turned to look at him as Carlos looked down at me with loving eyes

"When I looked into your eyes, I guess I didn't recognize, who we are and all that we could be" The boys guided me to a different spot on the dance floor as Mal and Ben sang together "Sometimes its hard to find yourselves, but its worth it in the end, cause in your heart is where it all began" Everyone bowed at Ben and Mal

"You gotta be bold, you gotta be brave, you gotta be free" They sung as Mal splashed me with water, making me giggle "You gotta get loud, making that change, you gotta believe, woah. We'll look deep inside, and we'll rise up and shine, we can be bold, we can be brave, let everyone see. It starts with you and me"

Carlos held my hand and lead me over to the boat ledge, as we started singing "There's something special that I've learned, its together we can change the world. Everybody's got something they can bring" Jay slid up beside us and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, me and him singing "When you take a look inside yourself, do you wish that you were something else, who you are is who you need to be" I put my head on his shoulder

"Sometimes its hard to find yourselves, but its worth it in the end, cause in your heart is where it all began" Mal and Evie sang. Everyone formed a circle, and splashed in the water to the beat of the song "You gotta be bold, you gotta be brave, you gotta be free" Jay spun me, and I linked arms with Doug, dancing with him

"You gotta get loud, making that change, you gotta believe, woah. We'll look deep inside, and we'll rise up and shine, we can be bold, we can be brave, let everyone see. It starts with you and me" I was spun up the stairs to Mal and Evie, who held my hands as we sung "If we all could do our part, I promise it it could be a start to bring about the difference that we need"

Everyone surrounded us, singing along "I promise we can work this out. I promise we can see it through. Don't you know its up to me, its up to me and you" Everyone ran up across the water, splashing it everywhere as a circle was formed "You gotta be bold, you gotta be brave, you gotta be free" Jay and Carlos slid into the middle, splashing each other before holding their hands out to me "You gotta get loud, making that change, you gotta believe" I slid in, jumping and splashing them, giggling as they both picked me up and brought me back to the outside of the circle

"Woah. We'll look deep inside, and we'll rise up and shine, we can be bold, we can be brave, let everyone see. It starts with you and me" Ben pulled Mal into a kiss in the middle of the circle, and everyone around them kicked water at them. They ran up the stairs, and Jay spun me into his chest, making me squeak. Carlos snaked his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head as Jay's lips met mine

I gasped in response, not expecting it. Jay pulled back, laughing at me, as Carlos turned my head to look at him. He gently kissed me too. I blushed a lot, looking down as they both kicked water right at my face. We all laughed, hugging each other and having a blast for the rest of Cotillion

Aaaaaaaand that's a wrap on movie number two!!! (My favourite of the trilogy) Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I will be continuing on to the third movie in no time, so be ready my fellow Wattpadians!

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