Remedial Goodness?

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Picture of the scepter above ^^^^

I woke up the next morning and Jay was still asleep, but Carlos was playing his video game. I sat up and yawned, making Carlos turn around "Hey" I smiled, probably having a terrible bed head "Hey, how about we prank him to wake him up" Carlos said, pointing to Jay

I shrugged "how about I just wake him up"  "You're no fun" he sighed. I got up and sat down right next to Jay "Jay we have school, remember?" I asked him. He grunted and rolled over to face me, pushing me off of the bed. I groaned "Carlos get a bucket full of cold water"

When he came back with the water I took it from him and poured it over his head, making him shoot up and look at me with evil eyes. My eyes widened as I backed away, handing the bucket to Carlos, about to make a run for it. Jay shot out of his bed and ran straight for me, making me run for the door, but he tackled me before I could get there

He leaned down and hugged me, soaking my clothes as well, and making me huff "Jayyyyyyyyyy, whyyyyy" "You prank me, I get payback, no exceptions" he stated. He got off and helped me up, shoving me towards my bed in a playful way, and I grabbed my clothes, heading to the bathroom to get ready

 He got off and helped me up, shoving me towards my bed in a playful way, and I grabbed my clothes, heading to the bathroom to get ready

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I wore the outfit above ^^^^ and a choker that Carlos stole for me for my 16th birthday. I did my hair (below), and grabbed my bag and stuff to get ready for class

When I finished Jay and Carlos were finished getting ready and I used my a spell, turning my scepter into a pen, and we walked to class

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When I finished Jay and Carlos were finished getting ready and I used my a spell, turning my scepter into a pen, and we walked to class

Time skip
I was sitting at a desk in between Carlos and Jay "If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out it's heart?" Fairy godmother asked. Evie raised her hand "Evie" fairy godmother called

"What was the second one?" Evie asked, making me roll my eyes, while I was doodling hearts on a piece of paper "Oh, ok. Anyone else? Andrea?" "C, give it a bottle" I stated, still doodling hearts "You are on fire, girl!" Carlos smiled at me, making me blush and shrug

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun" I said, making everyone 'oh' Suddenly we heard a squeal from behind us. I turned to see a girl with a bad haircut heading towards the fairy godmother "Hello little one" Fairy Godmother greeted

"You need to sign off on an early dismissal for the coronation" the girl told her "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane" Fairy Godmother said, making Jane shake her head Fairy Godmother turned her around and gave her a little push towards us, saying "it's ok Jane, this is everyone"

"Don't mind me. As you were" she squeaked before hurrying away. Fairy Godmother cleared her throat "if you find a vial of poison, do you: A, put it in the king's wine, B, paint it on an Apple, or C, turn it in to the proper authorities?" We all raised our hands except for Mal and Jay held me and Carlos' arms down as he smiled

"Jay" she called "C, turn it in to the proper authorities" Jay answered,  letting go of our arms "I was gonna say that" me and Carlos said in unison "But I said it first" Jay boasted, he started giving Carlos a noogie, while I got Jay in a head lock

"Stop! Children!" Fairy Godmother yelled, before we stopped in an awkward position. I had my arm wrapped around Jay's neck, with my legs around his waist, basically laying on his back, while he was laying on Carlos and had his hand on Carlos' head "I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field" fairy godmother said

"Oh, no thanks. Whatever that is, we'll pass" Carlos said, smacking me in the face, accidentally "Tourney? That sounds fun. I'll do it" I volunteered, as Jay pushed me off of the table "Oh, sorry sweetie, girls aren't allowed to play. It's a male sport" she said

I frowned "how sexist" I grumbled, standing up. After class ended Jay invited me to watch him 'dominate' on the tourney field. I watched from the side of the field as Jay pushed, shoved, and knocked down players on the team. I was messing with one of the paddles as he did this and the puck thingy was hit towards me

I stopped it with the paddle, and hit it up, and did a fancy maneuver to kick it into the goal. I did a small victory dance next to the goal as Jay shoved someone to the ground and also did a dance "Hey!" The coach yelled "you two, get over here" We ran over to him and he did not look happy "what do you two call that?" He asked "because I call that raw talent"

"Come find me later. I'm gonna show you something you've never seen before. It's called a rulebook. Welcome to the team kids" he looked at Carlos "you ever thought about band?" He asked, making us laugh at him "I'll work with him, coach" Ben said, parting Carlos' shoulder

"Alright" the coach shrugged. He handed me a helmet and a jersey, letting me keep the paddle thingy I already had, while Chad was protesting me playing because I was a girl "I can handle myself, I'm a big girl, don't you worry your pretty little head about it. You might want to watch your back though" I smirked, throwing the jersey over my head

"Ok, let's run that again!" Coach yelled, sending us onto the field. Chad was glaring at us, so me and Jay rammed into his shoulders as we walked by him, turning around to see him holding his shoulders in pain. I was so happy to be apart of this, being the first girl to play tourney was exhilarating. I ran around the field with Jay, passing it back and forth, tackling people here and there until we made a few more goals and that was the end of practice

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