Not Actually Me

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I jolted awake, not in the cave anymore and looked around, trying to figure out what's going on "Andy, you're awake" A voice sighed. I turned around to see Carlos "What happened? Where is Jay?" I asked "He's talking to Ben and his parents. Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?" He questioned

I thought about why I passed out, and what I read on the cave wall. I looked up quickly when I heard the door open to show Ben and his parents in our dorm "Andrea, we have something to tell you" Mrs Queen said and I looked at her confused

"We think you may be our daughter" Mr King told me, and I could've sworn my heart stopped for a moment "You see, about 18 years back when Belle was pregnant with Ben, we made a deal with Rumplestiltskin. The deal was that we would give our first born child to him of he could put a spell on Ben to make him be fit to be king. We knew we were having twins, and we were immature. We gave you up to make Ben a good child who was fit to be king" he explained

I scoffed. My parents got rid of me to make their son a better person? "If I am your daughter, how come I have red hair? How come my eyes glow pink when I'm stressed out?" I asked, feeling that familiar burn in my eyes, meaning it's happening right now "My guess is that your mother cursed you to resemble her when she was given you" Mrs Queen said

"Ok" I said, trying not to lose my temper "But you're back now. Back to your real parents" Mr King said. That's when I snapped "My parents? You mean the parents that gave me up, so they could have a good son? That's not what I call parenting! So how dare you. How dare you call me your daughter, and how could you possibly think that I would agree whole heartily with this. This-this is crazy"

I ran outside to get some air. I leaned against the side of the building and sighed. Something touched my shoulder and I squealed, because it scared me. I turned to see Ben, and sighed in relief "Hey" "Hey" He leaned beside me "You ok?" He asked "Not really, I mean" I laughed awkwardly "I guess you're my twin brother, and my mom isn't my mom... There is a lot that I'm feeling right now"

"Do you need a hug?" Ben turned to me. I looked up at him "Y'know what? I think I might" He wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same to him "You're lucky, I don't usually give people hugs. Only people that are close to me" I told him "Well, I am your twin, does that count as close?" "Close enough"

He ended up clearing his schedule for the day, and hanging out with me, and can I just say, it was one of the best days I've had in a long time

The next day

We were sitting in class, and I was messing around with Carlos, when Fairy Godmother said something "Children, excuse me, umm, as you know, this Sunday is family day at Auradon Prep, and because your parents can't be here due to, umm, distance, we...

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We were sitting in class, and I was messing around with Carlos, when Fairy Godmother said something "Children, excuse me, umm, as you know, this Sunday is family day at Auradon Prep, and because your parents can't be here due to, umm, distance, we've arranged a special treat" She explained. She walked to the front of the room and clicked on a tv thing, only to have Maleficent's face right in front of the screen

"I do not see anything, nor do I hear" She said, confused. Fairy Godmother signalled for us too join her. We all got up and stood next to her "Can I please see a remote!? Ugh, is this thing on? I hate electronics" Finally they seemed to see us "Oh, Evie, its mommy, look how beautiful" Evie waved at her "You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

"Don't you mean the weeds" Maleficent scoffed "Ugh, who's the old bat?" Cruella asked, referring to Fairy Godmother "This is Fairy Godmother" I told them "Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Mother questioned "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother sounded offended as our parents snickered "You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1:00 am? I mean, really, what, the hamsters had to get back on their little wheels?" Maleficent laughed

"They were mice! They were not- they were mice" She turned to us, explaining that they were in fact mice "Thank you so much, thank you" Mal moved Fairy Godmother out of the way "Hi mom" Mal somewhat smiled. Maleficent gasped "Mal! I mmmiss you" "You children are never far from our thoughts" Jafar said

"How long must mommy wait to see you?" My not-mom asked me "There's a big coronation coming up, I think probably sometime after that" I told her, swiping hair out of my eyes "When?" "Friday, 10:00 am" I answered

"Are you sure we can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic-" Maleficent cleared her throat "You, my little nugget that I love so much" Not-Mother fake smiled "Yes, I completely understand, mother" I nodded

"Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruella asked, leaning across the screen. Dude whimpered "Yes, yes baby, I do understand. He's the perfect size for a pair of earmuffs" She said while cackling. Me and Carlos shared a look, and I nodded at him. He walked up to the screen angrily "He's the perfect size for a pet! This dog loves me and I love him! And FYI, your dog is stuffed, so give it a rest!" Jay put his hand on Carlos' shoulder and pulled him towards us, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. I rubbed his back and he calmed down

Our parents yelled at each other and I looked at Jay. He hesitated before turning off the tv "I'm so sorry" Fairy Godmother apologized "Thanks for the special treat" Jay nodded at her "Of course" We turned around and grabbed our stuff and leave "A, what do you think our parents will do if we don't get the wand?" Evie asked

I put a strand of hair behind my ear and turned to her "I don't know about you guys, but my mother is probably know" I sighed, sliding my finger across my neck, everyone looked grim, and we left

Guys, I'm not really sure if I liked this chapter. Please let me know what you guys think about it, I'd really like to know what you think

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