Night Falls

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When I saw the face of Carlos, I sighed, sprinting over to him and wrapping my arms around him. I breathed in his scent as he realized who I was "Carlos this day has gone to crap. This is the first time I've ever celebrated my birthday and it is the worst day ever" I told him, a few tears getting his leather jacket wet

I felt arms wrap around us from behind and I automatically knew it was Jay "Hey sugar" He whispered "I know your day isn't going great, but we're gonna stop Audrey and fix this. Then it can be all about you, ok?" He asked. I sniffed, the tears no longer flowing, and nodded, pulling away from the hug

Carlos wiped my tears and I turned to come face to face with the one and only Harry Hook "Heya little lassie, I hear its your birthday" He smirked, making me nod. I knew that they aren't on our side, but how could you ever dislike him? "I missed ya Hooky"

When I turned away I saw Gil, who's face lit up when he saw me "Andy!" He ran over and tackled me to the ground "Hello to you too, Gil" I laughed as he helped me up. Carlos glared at the two boys and laced his fingers with mine. My eyes met Uma's, and I nodded. She did too. It was like a petty cat fight, except this cat was a giant sea monster who spelled my brother and tried to destroy Auradon, so no. We weren't really on speaking terms

"Hey, what even happened here?" Evie questioned, seeing everyone asleep "Well I was waiting for you guys to get to my party and then Audrey showed up, putting everyone to sleep, but I jumped into the enchanted lake so I wouldn't also fall asleep, but then everyone who wasn't asleep turned to stone, so I thought I was all by myself until I found you guys, and thank goodness I did" I sighed, leaning my head on Carlos' shoulder

"Well while we're here, lets check the school" Uma suggested "No" Mal shook her head "Audrey went straight for the crown, so I think its safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go" Mal said. I nodded, but Uma wasn't so much in favor of the idea "Says who?"

"Says me" Mal stepped towards her "Says you, and that's supposed to mean something to me?" "Guys" Evie frowned at them "To the castle"

"Ben could be asleep anywhere" Mal huffed as we walked around the castle "Or turned to stone" Celia added, making Evie cover the girl's mouth "Ben!" Mal called "I got his scent" Dude said "Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people" "That's great Dude" Jay smiled "FYI, I give great cuddles too"

"Really? I never had a pet growing up" Gil told us "Well...except for the elk head in my dad's man cave, but that wasn't-" "Hold up" Uma cut him off "Whats this?" She asked, gesturing to giant claw marks on the wall that cut off the bottom half of a painting "Uh...any chance that was already there?" Carlos inquired

I sighed, hoping Ben was alright "And follow me" Dude said, running down a hallway to the right "Ben" Mal and I called as we entered the armor room. Gil bent down to pet Dude "So you can talk, track, and cuddle. Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk too?" He looked at me. I shrugged and Carlos put his hand on Gil's shoulder "Alright man, he's taken. If you want a dog, adopt a rescue"

Dude laughed "Talking puppies, that's crazy" I jumped up on to the empty platform in the middle of the room and looked around. I saw an armor stand move and Harry say "I believe we're being challenged"

Uma ignored his statement, saying "Lets split up and look for Audrey" "That doesn't even make any sense. If she finds you, without my ember she's gonna spell you" Mal rolled her eyes. The armor shifted again and I jumped off the platform "Girls! We have a situation" I yelled

The armor started talking, making me jump "You like a prince Mal? How about a Knight in shining armor. Or knights..." Audrey evilly cackled through the armor. Oh dang, I felt a song coming on. The now evil armor pointed swords at us "Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, we can counter their attack, hit em till the armor cracks" Everyone chanted while backing up

From the Isle to Auradon (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now