The Proposal

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Omggggggggg! Today was the day that Ben was gonna propose to Mal! He's been freaking out all day "Andy, what if she says no? Then what?" He panicked, holding his hands to his head. I grabbed them, pulling him into a hug "Dude, there is absolutely no way that she's gonna say no. She's literally always talking about you, and how amazing you are"

"You're right, you're right" He nodded, considering my option "Aren't I always?" I smirked, crossing my arms. He breathily laughed, kissing my forehead "What would I do without ya, sis?"

"Honestly, probably nothing" I shrugged as he playfully pushed me out his door. I laughed and made my early down to the gardens where the proposal was gonna occur. Mal thinks that we are only having a welcoming party, and she has no idea about the big plans

After a few minutes of shoving through rowdy crowds, I finally spotted Jay and Carlos "Hey guys" I greeted "Hey babe" Jay kissed my cheek as Carlos laced his hand with mine "I'm so excited for Ben" I smiled, then the band started playing music, meaning they were on their way. We all cheered for them as they waved "Bippity boppity, can everyone hear me?" Fairy Godmother asked into the microphone

Everyone yelled "Yes" While we laughed, and she handed the mic to Ben "Thank you Fairy Godmother" He smiled, taking it. He leaned back and looked around "What's up Auradon!?" He yelled, making everyone cheer "Thank you! Thank you so much for coming out to welcome out new arrivals, they'll be here soon. It worked out pretty well with the first five" He bit his lip, looking lovingly at Mal

He was about to do it. He looked down at me and I nodded, encouraging him. He nodded too and turned to Mal as Evie handed me a guitar "Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. And I love you. Did I mention that?" Everyone awed as I strummed the guitar to the song "I met this girl who rocked my world like its never been rocked, and now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop. I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me, but now look at what you've done you got me down on my knee" He smiled at her as he knelt down in front of her

My eyes welled up with tears at this. Proposals always make me cry "Mal, its you and me. Its you and me forever" He pulled out a ring box making Mal gasp and cup her hands around her mouth "Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?" Ben asked hopefully. I crossed my fingers as Mal nodded "Yes, yes, yes"

Everyone cheered and I squealed, hugging Carlos. He pulled away and he fist bumped Jay, hugging him. I jumped on Jay's back, kissing his neck happily. I ran over to Evie, hugging her as Mal ran over to us "You guys knew?" "Everything" We nodded "You are going to rock that crown" I told her, then removed to Ben, hugging him tight

"What did I tell you? She said yes!!" I giggled "I'm gonna get married" He said, shocked. We walked over to the others "All bow to her Royal majesty" Jay smirked, bowing to Mal "Oh yes, her Royal purpleness" Carlos nodded as we all bowed at her "Silence, you annoying peasants" Mal laughed, walking by us "As you wish my royal crankiness" I giggled

"Oh my gosh! Through all this excitement I almost forgot we are gonna pick up these amazing kids" I gasped "Yeah! Lets do this" Ben smiled, giving me a fist bump, as a Purple limo with Mal's name on it pulled up. I slid into the car in between Carlos and Jay, who was driving. Carlos tilted my head towards him, placing his lips on mine

I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, booping his nose. When we arrived, we helped the kids put their belongings into the limo, and everyone waved and cheered as we drove away towards the barrier. As we drove through the barrier I turned around and saw someone shoving through the crowd, making me gasp "Its Hades!"

He shoved his arm with his ember through the barrier and pried it open "Stop the car! He's trying to escape!" I yelled, making Jay slam on the breaks. We all rushed out of the car, except for the kids "I am a God!" Hades yelled, his hair flaming "I don't belong here!"

Carlos, Jay, and Ben all ran to shove him back through the barrier, but he zapped them with his ember. I gasped, feeling overwhelmed as the wings sprouted from my back and the red aura surrounded me again as Mal turned into a dragon. I shot a red energy beam at him, so he shot an ember beam at me, overpowering me, and sending me falling to the ground

I was breathing hard and injured as I hit the ground, but I stood up shakily, blasting another beam at him as Mal helped and sent him tumbling back through the barrier. I breathed out and fell to the ground, red smoke enveloping me and retracting my wings. Jay and Carlos ran over to me "Are you ok?"

"No, I-I...He..." I couldn't speak properly, and Jay picked me up bridal style, as Carlos stroked my hair. Hades had drained my energy with his ember, and my breathing was heavy. Everyone arrived back at Auradon and the boys helped me back to our cottage, laying me down on the bed

"Get some rest, sugar, you did good today. And tomorrow's your birthday, and we're gonna have an amazing party" Jay whispered, kissing my forehead. Carlos cuddled into me from behind "Shh princess, go to sleep" He whispered, combing his hands through my hair as Jay turned off the lights and closed the blinds before pulling me into his chest

From the Isle to Auradon (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now