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After getting dried off from the bath Lemon helped Sen get dressed for bed.

They didn't talk much, they didn't have to.

Sen appreciated what his life was like right now. Recently there were hardly any thoughts of getting revenge from Girlfriend's family nowadays. He just liked spending time with Lem and being back in this world. Instead of practicing songs of revenge, they sang intimate songs together.

"Senpai? did you fall asleep?" Lem spoke out cuddling Sen from behind.

"Hmm?" He jolted up.

"Can I tell you something, promise me you won't get upset?"

Senpai's stomach sank.

"What is it?"

"I don't think you noticed, but you transformed a little during sex."


Sen did not like his true form. It was not only physically ugly, but it reminded him of all the pain he went through throughout his life.

"It was only a little bit," Lem got up and reached down to pick up the sweater he was wearing while they were having sex. He held it up. "Look how you tore it! Good thing you told me to keep it on!"

Senpai flew his hand on his face feeling it and looked down at his hands. It all looked normal.

"Am I still transformed?" He asked to double-check.

"No." Lem said laying down again next to him.

"Have I ever transformed before while we..?"

"No, I guess I had to fuck it out of you."

He felt embarrassed. Lemon had made Sen feel better about how he actually looked throughout their relationship. But he only let himself look that way when he was in danger or extremely upset. The thought of him looking like that during sex didn't sound pretty.

"I hate that."

"Come on Sen, it was adorable."

He wanted to push himself away from Lemon right now. He was to exhausted though.

"You really didn't feel yourself changing?"

"No, guess I was too into it." He rolled his eyes. When he did transform he always felt hotter and his face shifting. Sex really did cancel all that out. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was too into it too!" Lem giggled.

"Can we just go to bed?" Sen mumbled closing his eyes.

"Can we talk about it more in the morning though?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

He felt Lem press his face into his hair to give him a good night kiss. It brought a smile to his face.
As Sen awoke his body felt even sorer than last night. He cringed when he remembered that he had work and he had to call them to tell them that he was taking the day off. His boss sucked.

He glanced over at the clock and saw that it didn't even matter to call because he was late anyway. God, he was going to lose his job. Sen dreaded the thought of having to eat Lemon Demon's diet. He would rather go hungry.

"Sen, you're finally awake?" Lem said opening the door.

"I don't want to move from my bed."

"You feel sore?"

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