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Walking to Lila's house for shelter felt ironic. Sen was the one who felt jealous when he was around her but he ended up being the cheater in the end.

He wondered how she would react to this mess. Physically he was back looking human.

He couldn't help wondering how Lemon himself was doing home alone, his heart broke thinking that he would never be able to see him again.

Not that he deserved to.

He stood outside the door of her house, hesitation washed over him. Thankfully, he didn't even have the knock before he saw the door open and felt himself get tackled to the ground by two young boys.

"Uncle Sen!" They chanted. He didn't need this now but he would never lose his patience or anger with them.

"Kids what the heck is this commotion?" Lila stood in the doorway and caught his eyes. She instantly knew something was wrong. "Skid, can you take your friend upstairs and put on a movie, Sen and I have adult things to talk about."

"Ok, mom," they scattered away as quickly as they came.

She reached her hand out and helped Sen up.

"Are you ok?"

He wasn't in anyway ok.

"I'm ok." He instead answered.

"Come in, I'll put on some tea."

She didn't say anything as they walked through the house. Sen was jealous of how comfortable it was to be in here.

As they walked into the kitchen, Lila got the supplies for the tea and went to the stove.

"Sen, did he hurt you?" she said turning to him looking up and down.

"He-" Sen felt his wrist. It did hurt. "He did, I don't blame him."


"I know for a fact I hurt him more."

She gently touched his wrist and examined it.

"I don't think it is broken just bruised," she got up and went into the kitchen. "I'll get you ice."

She when into the freezer and handed him a bag of frozen peas.

"What happened?"

Sen felt small. He had to admit the bad things he has done.

"Do you remember that girl's family Lem and I wanted to get revenge over?"

"That girl weirdly named "Girlfriend"?"


"Yeah, you two wouldn't shut up about it," she said. "Lem, even suggested I join you to sing."

"Well, I cheated on Lem with her."

Lila knocked over her teacup.


"Well, she is my ex."

"Now that you mention it, I remember you saying that once." Lila said while picking up the broken pieces. "How did he find out?"

"He smelled her on me."

"You had sex with her?!"

"No! We kissed each other and that is it."

He hated himself for justifying it a little bit. I

"Did she force you or..?"


"Why did you want to kiss her? I thought you loved Lemon Demon and hated everything about her."

"I do. I love him so much but when she came around I felt like there was this string pulling me towards her that I had to follow."

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