Chapter 28

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"If I can't have June, no one can." Jackson growled. June was laying on the bed gasping for air.

I shifted into my wolf and attacked him. I tackled Jackson to the ground before he shifted. His wolf was smaller form was smaller than mine. He had light grey fur with a dark grey spot around his eye. His eye color changed to a orange kind of color.

I quickly bit into his neck. He whimpered in pain and pushed me off. I ran back at him and tackled him again. He flipped me over and slashed my chest with his claws. I pushed him off and slammed my paw onto his neck.

The bones in his neck cracked and Jackson stopped moving. His breathing lowed and I figured he would die in a few seconds.

All of Junes brother and sisters, and his dad were all around June's bed trying to help her.

"Check her pulse!" Daric said.


I was in so much pain. My stomach was leaking out blood. I couldn't move. My eyes were closed and I could hear everyone around me.

"Check her pulse." Dad said. I could tell he was scared. Where was Erin?

"I don't feel anything!" I heard Stevie say after he stuck his hand under my armpit.

"You don't check her pulse from her armpit idiot!" Jeremiah said before he grabbed my wrist. "Its really slow."

"What do we do?" I heard Harper ask.

"I don't know!" Dad said.

"Wrap up her wound!" I heard Erin say.

"Oh my gosh! Erin put some pants on!" Johnathan said. Wait....why doesn't Erin have pants on? What's going on?

"Here." Chris said.

"Thanks." Erin said before I felt someone pull up my back to wrap gauze around me. I opened my eyes and saw everyone huddled around me. "All of you go find someone to help!"

"Ok!" Almost all of my siblings said at the same time before they left.

"June, baby can you hear me?" Erin asked.

"Yeah." I said blinking a couple of times, because he started getting blurry.

"I love you." He said before pressing his lips to mine. My heart started beating faster.

"I love you too." I said barely able to breath.

"What did Jackson do? How did he get in here?" Erin asked talking so fast I could barely understand him.

"He just walked in wearing a doctors coat and told the nurse he was supposed to take care of me. I told her not to leave, but she didn't listen. Jackson started getting closer and tried to kiss me. I punched him and he got mad." I said out of breath.

"Then he stabbed you?" Erin asked.

"Yeah." I said looking down at my stomach.

"I'm sorry I wasn't with you. This was all my fault! I'm sorry!"

"Yeah whatever shut up." I said smiling. "Where are those doctors? This is a hospital, wouldn't you think they'd be here by now?"

"I'll go look for a doctor." Erin said about to leave.

"No! Stay!" I said. Erin walked over to the end of the bed. He started kicking Jackson's dead body into the closet. Erin wiped up the blood on the floor then sat next to me.

"Where is a doctor?" Erin said squirming around.

"Cover your ears." I said before screaming as loud as I could. I started breathing harder from screaming. A doctor and a nurse came running in.

"What happened?" The doctor asked.

"Don't ask, just fix it!" I yelled. They unwrapped the gauze and looked at the wound.

"How are you still alive?" The doctor asked.

"I don't know! Fix it before I die idiot!" I growled before he started cleaning up the wound. He started stitching it up. I winced in pain and Erin grabbed my hand.

Someone started banging on the door. The nurse went and opened it. Jeremiah, Stevie, Max, and Dad came running in with a doctor.

"You're too late!" I said. "Now get out and go home." I snapped at them. Their eyes widened and they all slowly walked out closing the door.

While I wasn't looking the nurse stabbed a needle into my arm. I started getting a little dizzy and tired. I squeezed Erin's hand before blacking out.


June blacked out. The doctor was stitching up her stomach. The nurse looked around the room for some gauze.

She pulled out some hot pink gauze. She looked at me and smiled. I shook my head no and she put it back and grabbed a purple one. I shook my head no again. She sighed and grabbed a neon yellow.

Yellows not a bad color. I shook my head yes and she smiled. Wait...when did doctors get colored gauze?...weird.

"Here is Junie, Jo, and Trenton." An other nurse said walking in. She looked at June and gasped. The triplets were all bundled up together in a cart. "What happened?" The second nurse asked.

"Go." The doctor said before both nurses left. The triplets cart was right beside me. They were all sleeping. "The two girls are 5 pounds 8 ounces, the boy is 8 pounds 5 ounces." The doctor said as he finished stitching June up.

He grabbed some gel from under a cabinet and started rubbing it over the stitches and her stomach. I stared at the triplets. They were all sleeping. Trenton was a lot bigger than the girls.

"Your going to be a great dad." The doctor said. He started put down a layer of thick cloth on her stitches then started wrapping the gauze around her.

"I'll be back." He said before leaving. Jo woke up and started squirming around. I picked her up and started rocking her a little. She grabbed my thumb and bit it. She's defiantly going to be like her mother.

"Which one is that?" June asked waking up.

"Jo." I said smiling. She smiled back and tried to sit up a little. "Don't." I said pushing her shoulder back.

"I'm so uncomfortable and this bed is disgusting." She said a little out of breath.

"I'm sorry." I said. "Do you want to hold Jo?"

"Yeah!" She said smiling. I carefully handed her Jo. "Hey little ball of sexy." She said before kissing her on the forehead. "You're gonna grow up to be strong like your mommy, and you're going to kick butt."

I laughed and she smiled at me.


One more chapter and I'll be finished with this book!

Gahhhh! I hope you all like it!

thanks for reading!

<3 chappytherabbit!

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