Chapter 23

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Chapter 23!

"Come on share!" Brody begged.

"No!" I growled eating a waffle.

"Come on! You have 14!!! You can give me at least one!!! Please!!" He said shaking me.

"Ugh! Fine!" I said throwing one at his face. "Now go away!"

"WOOO!" He yelled running off.

"June!" I heard Erin yell from upstairs.

"WHAT???" I yelled back. Can a girl not eat a dang waffle without being yelled at anymore?

"Why is their a spider in a plastic bag in our room?" He asked coming down stairs holding the plastic bag.

"Max!!! I told you to get him a cage!" I yelled.

"I couldn't find one!" Max yelled.

"Ugh!!" I groaned. I took the spider from Erin and went to Suzanna's room.

"Hey Suzanna, can I borrow your fish tank?" I asked.


"My spider needs a house." I said holding him out to her.

"Ew get that away from me!"

"I will, if you give me your fish tank." I said.

"Ok whatever just get it away from me!" She said. I took Suzanna's empty fish tank and put the spider in it.

"Thanks." I said before walking out of her room and went back to the kitchen. "WHO STOLE MY WAFFLES????" I yelled.

"Calm down June, they were just waffles." Erin said.

"You stole them!" I growled.

"No." Erin said.

"Well then who did?"

"I don't know." Erin said.


"What's wrong June?" Dad asked. I ignored him until everyone got in the living room.

"What's going on June?" Olive asked.

"Listen up! Someone in this room stole my waffles! WHO WAS IT?" I growled. Everyone got quiet and looked at each other.

"If no one confesses, I'll make you all drink toilet water!" I growled.

"I did it." Some guy in the corner of the room said with a funny accent.

"Who are you?" I said frowning.

"That's Jackson, he just moved in yesterday." Erin told me.

"I don't care, I'm still gonna get my revenge! Everyone knows not to mess with a girls waffles!" I growled.

"He didn't know June." Erin said grabbing my arm.

"Jackson! Come here!" I growled.

"Yes ma'am! I'm sorry!" He said afraid.

"Never touch my waffles again, and man up!" I growled before walking upstairs away from everyone. I need a nap.


"I'm sorry." I apologized to Erin.

"Don't worry about it, she's just over reacting. I think all the pregnant symptoms are making her crazy, she's usually not that grumpy." Erin said before walking away.

June's pregnant? How? Maybe she's only a few weeks pregnant. Wow.

I went up stairs to my room and turned on my laptop. I went on my email and began typing to my sister.

^Hey sis,

I think I'm scared...of a girl! Can you believe it! Her scariness is so hot though! Apparently she's pregnant! With the Alpha, but she doesn't even look like it! She almost killed me because I ate her waffles! If you were here, you would have pee'd your pants!

I miss you! Stay out of trouble!

Love you,


I wrote to my sister and sent it.


Ta da! There's a new chapter! Sorry for taking forever to upload! I'm lazy! Hahaha!



I love u guys! :D

Thanks for reading!

<3 Chappytherabbit!

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