Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

When we got back to camp, everyone was sweating and breathing hard.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked looking at them like they are psycho.

"There...there was a pack of wolves...and they tried fighting we killed them..." Dad said panting.

"Why didn't you call us for help?" I asked.

"Because, there were only about twenty. We could handle it." Jeremiah said.

"Uh...ok." I said.

"Is everyone ok?" Erin asked.

"Yeah. Emily got a few little scratches, but she's fine." Suzanna said putting a bandaid on her leg.

"Ok good." Erin said. They kept talking and I didn't pay attention, because it got boring. Instead I wandered off in the woods. The other half of the campsite we didn't use was awesome. It had a little rocky beach kind of thing with a giant rock sticking out of the water.

On this half of the campsite, if we wanted to just walk in the water we could. On the other side, it's a drop off. This side had awesome skipping rocks. I grabbed a couple and stood on the rock that was in the water and started skipping them.

"June!" Erin yelled from the other side of the camp.

"What?" I answered before he started walking towards me.

"What are you doing?"

"Skipping rocks." I said jumping off the rock to get more.

"Didn't I say not to go off by yourself?"

"Well, everyone was busy talking to each other, and I didn't go that far."

"Well, you could have told someone."

"Too late now." I said climbing back up the rock. A big boat went past our campsite slowly.

"What is he doing?" I asked. Some big fat hairy guy was watching us.

"Staring at you." Erin growled. I growled a little too then flipped the guy off. He smiled and I jumped off the rock onto Erin. Erin caught me, and I kissed him, showing the fat man that I was taken.

The fat man drove off and we stopped kissing. We both busted out laughing. Erin put me down to the ground and I made him stand on the big rock.

"Let's have a contest!" I said skipping a rock. "Whoever can skip their rock the most skips, gets whatever they want."

"What are you going to want?" He asked.

"It won be bad." I said.


"Yes I promise." I said rolling my eyes.

"...Ok." He said.

"Ok. We both get three skipping rocks. We'll add all the skips when we skip them." I said looking down at the ground to get the good rocks. I grabbed the best ones I could find them stood on the rock with him.

"You go first." He said smiling.

"Ok." I said smiling. The first rock I skipped went out five skips. "Your turn."

"Ok." He said skipping it. His went two skips. "Your turn." I skipped my second rock. It went three skips. He went and got six skips. I went my last time and got eight skips. Then he went and got six skips.

"Who won?" I asked not wanting to do the math.

"You did. I got fourteen, you got sixteen." He said.

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