Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next day...

"COME ON JUNE!!!" All the girls in our pack yelled at me.

"NO! I'm not gonna do it! So leave me alone!!!" I growled before crossing my arms and giving them the I'll kill you look.

"Your getting married! You need a dress!" Suzanna said.

"No I don't! I would rather wear shorts and a t-shirt!" I growled.

"No, you have to wear a dress."

"No, I don't, it's my wedding, I get to choose what I'm wearing!"

"Hey, it's my wedding too." Erin said. "Don't I get to say something."

"No, you don't, cuz your just gonna make me wear a stupid dress!" I growled.

"Come on, you'll look so sexy in a dress!"

"Do I look like I care!" I growled giving him a death glare.

"Your wearing a dress." Erin said. "Now go!"

"I really do hate all of you!" I growled as he shoved me in the back of the truck with all the girls.

"I have never met anyone who doesn't want to wear a dress to their wedding." Alicia said smiling.

"I'm not gonna wear one!" I growled pulling out Erin's iPhone and headphones I stole and started listening to music, blocking out all the others and their annoying girly talk.

What's the point of wearing a dress? It's stupid! What's wrong with a t-shirt? That's what I wear everyday. Weddings are so confusing!

"We're here." Emily sang getting out. I slowly got out of the truck and moaned. As we went inside, there were dresses EVERYWHERE! it was horrible!

"Let's get this one! Ok we're done!" I said grabbing a dress and throwing it at Grace.

"You have to try them on first, and this one is ugly." Gracie said hanging it back up on the clothes rack.

"Ok, here's the plan, everyone go find one you like, then come back & I'll.....try it on." I said mumbling the last part.

"Ok!" Everyone said running off through the rows of dresses. I was being dragged around by Alicia while she looked through the dresses.

"I'm taking a nap." I moaned laying down on a bench.

"Ok." She said looking at dresses. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"June!" Emily said waking me up.

"What do you want? I'm sleeping!" I moaned sitting up.

"We found dresses! Try them on!" She smiled.

"UGH!" I moaned getting up.

"You said you would, so go do it."

"I am, I am! Shut up!" I moaned as they all handed me the dresses they picked out. I tried all of them except for one, and they were all stupid. So I tried the very last one. It was short, but not slutty short. It was strapless too. I moaned as I walked out of the dressing room.

"This one?" I groaned looking in the mirror. I have to admit, I looked pretty good in it.

"I vote that one!" Penny said smiling.

"Yeah, that ones the best!" Emily said.

"June, you look so beautiful." Suzanna said smiling.

"Shut up!" I growled as I went back in the dressing room and put my regular clothes on.

"See June, it wasn't that hard." Alicia said smiling as they bought the dress with Erin's money.

"We spent four hours in here." I growled looking at Erin's phone.

"It could have been worse." Penny shrugged.

"Well, I'm ready to go home!!!" I said.

"No, we still need to find you shoes!" Gracie said.

"What!" I moaned. They all dragged my down to the next store to go find shoes.

"Ooh! Look at those!" Emily said pointing to a pair of high heels.

"No! I can't wear high heels!" I growled.

"Come on, at least try!" Suzanna said taking them out of a box and handing them to me.

I growled and shoved my feet in them. "Their too big!" I moaned standing up.

"Walk." Penny said. I tried walking, and all that happened was me almost tripping every step I took.

"Ok, your doing pretty good. We'll buy them, and you can wear them every day. Then at your wedding you'll be a professional at walking in them." Gracie said.

"No! I can't walk in them!" I growled.

"Hey, we would like to buy these!" Emily said paying for them with Erin's money.

"I hate you people!" I groaned. "Now let's get out of here!" I said walking towards the doors.

"Yay!" Gracie giggled like a little girl.

"Ugh!" I moaned pulling out headphones and listing to music to block out all their laughing and smiling and giggling and girlyness!

When we finally got home they all screamed getting out of the truck. I moaned slowly getting out of the truck.

"Hey baby, are you ok?" Erin ask walking beside me.

"I'm gonna be sick." I said gagging.

"Was it really that bad?" He asked with his arm around my waist.

"I guess it could have been worse, but have you seen the shoes I have to wear!" I moaned.

"No, what are they?" he asked smiling.

"Their like four inch high heels!" I growled as I went upstairs in our room. I laid down on the bed and moaned.

"I bet you look sexy in them."

"Shut up, you little pervert!" I moaned as he kissed my forehead.

"We should go to bed, tomorrows a big day." Erin said smiling.

"Yeah." I said smiling back. He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I mumbled with my face smashed in his chest.

"Good night." He said laying me down. I moaned and fell asleep.






Thanks for reading,

<3 chappytherabbit!

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