Part 13.

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There are really things that you will do in the name of love; limits that you cross just to be with that person.

Mew came barging to the classroom, chasing his breath while trotting towards Singto and krist.

"Where's Gulf?" He asked breathlessly.

"Why?" Singto raised a brow. He still can't forgive Mew for what he did. Mew isn't in the wrong but he shouldn't have let go of Gulf when he can remember nothing.

"Just tell me where he is" Mew asked again trying to rush the two.

"He isn't here anymore. He shouldn't be here in the first place" Krist answered which shocked Mew.

"Wha-What do you mean that he isn't here anymore?" Mew clarified, he can't believe what he just heard. He think that he might be going deaf, Gulf's leaving him? Gulf's gone again in his life? For the nth time and this time he is at fault.

"He stopped going to school. You should know better that anyone, Mew. Oh wait- you don't know anything. Well, anyway, it may or may not be your fault but yeah, he left." Singto answered instead, as sarcastic as ever. Mew feels like he is being stabbed, this time, yes, it really is his fault.

Mew closed his eyes. "Is there any way that I can contact him? or like can you contact him for me?" He sincerely asked.

"No!" Singto exclaimed that caught his other classmates attention.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Mew asked, "You must have a way, talk to Gulf please" Mew begs.

"A no is a no! Even if you use your power as a future king, it would still gonna be a NO!" Singto said. Mew looked at Singto puzzled. Instead of getting angry at the man before him, he feels so ashamed of himself. He let them down but now he begs for more, he is shameful, indeed.

"Stop it, Singto!" Krist intervened. Singto is as stubborn as always.

"He deserves it! He made my gulfie cry! Hmp!" Singto sulked and if the situation is different, Mew will definitely laugh at how childish Singto is.

"Oh, c'mon! Anyway Mew, Gulf said that You don't have to contact him. He will be back when it's the right time but before that, work hard and make yourself a better king and a better husband to your future wife" Krist said. It brings pain to Mew. He got more than 10 years ahead of his life before he becomes a king and he doesn't know what's there ahead of them. They don't know what will happen in the future.

"I- Thank you" Mew downhearted walked away. Future wife? You are my wife, Gulf and you will always be. If you don't want to be contacted then let the news reach you.

(Time skip!)

Summer came and blast news came to everyone's attention. A loyal servant of the future king has committed a murder and harmed the Ice prince including the country's prince. Everything to reveal the servant's betrayal the prince pretended and it even costs his marriage with the Ice prince who is nowhere to be found now.

"Mew! You can't do this to me! I did everything just for you!" Tar shouted as he is being arrested in front of Mew himself. The latter was the one who planned how to expose Tar and his doing. He accepted all the pain, he regretted all the actions he's taken but it was worth it. This time they can no longer harm Gulf.

"Brother... you know how much I treasure you, right? Everything I did is for you." Boom begs his brother but Mew got a stern face with no sign of sympathy towards the two.

"Please bring them already" Mew instructed the guards. He looked away, at first he couldn't believe what he discovered; He couldn't believe that his own brother would betray him.

When Mew discovered about Tar's betrayal that he collaborated with his own brother boom. They share the same ideals; They both don't want Gulf to be Mew's wife. They both opposed the union of the two but since the current king, who is Mew's father approved, they planned a different way to get rid of Gulf.

"Mew! He isn't the one for you!" Boom shouted but Mew just looked at his brother with cold eyes.

"No one gets to decide who is right for me. I decide whoever I want to love and spend my life with" Mew said. He rubs the bracelet on his hand, it was the bracelet he gave Gulf few years back. A gift that he gave to Gulf for his birthday and the day he asked him to be his boyfriend.

Gulf, comeback to me. We can be together now. Mew whispered but he knows it was pointless. He will never know if Gulf finds someone else while he is still waiting for him, also Mew can't take the throne without having someone by his side. He can't rule by himself, he needs a wife and a queen. If Gulf won't be back by then he has to marry someone else.

(Major time skip)

Everyday, Mew works hard, trains harder just to be suitable king for everyone. He easily surpassed most powerful people in their kingdom but he has yet to find his queen. He is no longer in contact with Singto and Krist who is his last resort even Mo Fan, Gulf's brother is out of reach. There wasn't a day where Mew forgot the existence of Gulf; His things are scattered all around Mew's room but as years goes by, it was taken down one by one. Nothing binds him with Gulf anymore so Gulf is free and so is Mew.

Mew feels hopeless and starts to seek for another wife instead. It's been 10 years and he haven't heard anything from Gulf; He doesn't even know if the latter is still alive. Few more years and Mew will have to take over his father's throne. He has to and he can't wait for Gulf to come back anymore, maybe the latter has forgotten him. Ten years is a very long time and you can meet a lot of people but Mew's different. He didn't take advantage of the time but instead, he made it possible for him to make himself powerful to be the country's protector.

His brother and Tar got a lifetime jail sentence. Mew didn't feel guilty at all, putting the two of them in the jail brings peace to the kingdom. Since it was his fault why Boom is in the jail, he took care of Boom's child and supported them.

"My prince, The preparation for the banquet is ready" one of Mew's helpers said. He is inside his study room as he look on the old bracelet that is in the beautiful white glass.

"Thank you. You can now leave" Mew said, he didn't even spare a glance on his attendant. When the door clicked, he pulled out a paper write a letter to someone.

All his emotions were poured on the letter. The last tears he will shed and his goodbye to that person.

My Dearest Gulf,

How are you? It has been 10 years, do you still remember me? You know, there wasn't a day that I didn't think of you. I always missed you but I guess it's time to let you go. I guess waiting for you for 10 years is enough, will you forgive me? Will you forgive me for searching for someone else instead? Will you forgive me if I will forget you after all this time? Do you have a lover there? Are you well enough? I miss you Gulf.

I am holding a banquet tomorrow, I know you can't make it and I know you won't even know that but yes, I am holding a banquet to search for my future wife. It is not easy for me but I have to, I can't just let my time stop at the time you left me, I have to move on and I have to let you go.

I won't be writing you anymore letters. This will be the last one and this will serve as my farewell.

I have loved you my wife. In my heart, you will remain forever as my wife. I hope you have a happy life.

Yours truly,
Mew Suppasit

Mew put the letter down and close it. He has been sending letters to Gulf for the last 10 years too but he haven't receive any response from the latter not even once. However, even if that is the case it still saddens Mew that he finally wrote the last letter he will send to Gulf.

He calls his messenger and gave him the sealed envelope containing the letter that Mew wants to send to his beloved. To his lost love.


We have two more parts to go and this story is done too! Hahaha.

Thank you for all your support!

Lovelots 💙❤️

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