When morning comes

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One thing you never do is lie to my mom. Or at least Betty doesn't. I certainly do. Like today I told my mom I was at Jughead's, when in reality I'm at the serpents den. Now does my mom support me being a serpent. Absolutely not, mostly because she was one once. Not only that but she and Fp also had a fling in high school and she got pregnant. With me and Jugs older half brother. That's where we are at now. Me, Jug, and Betty just learned about our half brother.

"Woah dude that's crazy!" Sweetpea comments after Jug is done telling him about our half brother.

"So wait you guys share a brother?" Toni questions

"HALF brother, but, yes." I answer.

"SERPENTS!" We hear. We all already know who it is. "JUGHEAD, STORM!"

"Fp, dad" me and jug reply at the same time.

"Storm, Jug, I am stepping down from king." All eyes were on us as we stood upon stage. "I will be crowning my son Forsythe Penlton Jones the Third, or Jughead. King of the serpents!" Cheers came from the crowd. I quietly slipped behind the curtains and got Jugs jacket.

"My king." I say and hold out the jacket as Toni slips the other off of him. I slip the king jacket on him.

"Let's hear it for the king!" Me and Toni yell.

"My son, you have taken on a big role. You sure you can handle it?" Fp questions Jug.

"Of course I can dad." Jug answers with the biggest smile ever. I love seeing Jug smile. Wait- what I can't have feelings for my best friend and certainly not my gangs king!

"Baylor," Fp starts "the reason I have called you up here is that a week ago I asked Jughead who he wanted as second in command. Not queen unless you get together or something. Anyways he chose you. So give a good serpent cheer to the serpent captain!"

The serpents all started cheering and whistling. I smiled at Fp and Jug. Me and Jughead met in the middle of the stage and hugged.

1 hour later
The crowd had dispersed by now. It was me, Jug, Toni, sweets, and fangs sitting at the bar. We're all in a conversation when Fp walks over and joins us.

He grabs me and Jughead's shoulders. "You kids have no idea how proud I am of you! I remember when y'all were 12 running food errands and hanging out here. Now look at you, king and captain."

"We had a great mentor over the years Fp." I say. I remember all the food runs. Fp walks away with a proud smile.

"Wait, you guys started on food runs!?!" Fangs asks with a chuckle.

"Yup. I remember on one of them me and Jug are outside of Pop's waiting for our food. We were 13. Jug to try and impress me knowing I hadn't had my first kiss yet, says 'You know bays I had my first kiss'. Me, being stupid enough to believe him, was astonished. He could see it on my face. So, he goes 'Yup. And I could teach you.' I immediately agreed. So he pushes me up against the wall and grants me and him our first kiss." I tell. Jug is red in the cheeks nervously scratching the nape of his neck.

"That was bold Jug." Toni says with a giggle.
I get a phone call and it's my mom.

"Gimme a sec guys." I say as I step into the office to answer.
B-Baylor M-mom

B- Hello?
M- You lied to me!
B- What? What are you talking about?
M- Betty told me you were at the serpents den! I'm outside! We are leaving. Come on!
B- No! You don't get to dictate my life!
M- You know what I should've known you were going to be difficult. I'm coming in.
B- Ok. Good luck getting through security though.
With that I end the call. I run to security and tell them not to let my mom down. I jog back to Jug and everyone. We have a nice conversation until we hear an argument break out amongst Fp and my mom. Me and jughead step in.

"Hey what's going on here?" Jug asks.

"This young lady right here is coming home with me! And NEVER coming back!" My mom yells and yanks my arm. Dragging me up the stairs with Fp and Jug close in follow.

We get outside.

"Stop!" I pull my arm back.

"Baylorise!" My mom says in shock.

"You can't take her away!" Jug argues.

"Oh yeah and why not!?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't let her see you or this place again?!"

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!" Jug yells. We all stand in shock.

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