The times, they are a changin'

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     After my not so subtle convo with my mom me and Jug decided to go to my place. When we got there Betty was asleep upstairs.

Time skip brought to u by Jughead's beanie
   I walked downstairs to find Betty in kitchen talking to Jughead and mom making breakfast.

"Good morning," I say acknowledging my presence.

"Morning," my mom and Betty reply.

"Good morning beautiful," Jug says before kissing me on my lips.

"Um, what was that?" Betty asks.

"Oh! Right, Betty me and Jug are dating. Also, I'm serpent queen and he's king."

"What! Baylor! He's the boy I liked! You stole him from me!"

I was astonished. I didn't know Jughead was the boy she liked. Also, I never stole him. I simply told him I liked him first and he happened to like me back. Well, other way around but you get my point.

"Betty, you never told me you liked Jug. Plus, I never stole him. He told me he liked me and I happened to like him back so I acted on my feelings. I'm sorry if your unhappy with that but it's not your decision."

"Baylor, your right. Im sorry. I just- it came as a shock. I'm happy for you. Genuinely."

"Thank you Betty that means a lot to me. I'm sorry if it upset you but you have to understand that I have my own feelings too."

"I do and I'm sorry."

After that we are breakfast and hung out with our friends. It ended up as a good day.
Sorry this one's short it was just kind of a filler chapter. I have writers block. So more ideas will be flowing once this block moves.

- scorpion ♏️

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