《 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10》

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20th February 1977, Beauxbatons, France

It was the 20th of February.

Do you have any idea what the means? I guess you don't know, but that's all right. Not everyone keeps tracks of death anniversaries.

20th February 1977 meant the tenth death anniversary of Mr. Adam MacDonald and Mrs. Phyllis MacDonald neé Beaufort, the parents of Mary and Olivia MacDonald.

20th February was a day which made Mary and Olivia wistful for their departed parents, who were never coming back to them.

20th February meant tears and hugs for the MacDonald family.

Maty placed white roses on her parents' graves and wiped at her eyes, trying to stay calm, stay strong, for Olivia. Her sister stood at her side, clutching her hand and sobbing.

"It's okay, shh.." Grandma Caroline gently hugged Olivia, looking anywhere but at her son and daughter-in-law's graves.

"Adam and Phyllis loved you, and they want you happy," Grandpa David told Mary, patting her hair and calming her.

This is life, is it not? Cruel thing, that life. One moment, someone is at your side, laughing, and the other moment? They are just gone. Far away fron you, never to be seen again. How fragile a life is, so easily lost, like feathers of a bird flying in the air, or petals being torn from a flower, or the falling leaves in autumn.

You know, I believe that the dearly departed ones are always near us. They are alive, in away. They live in our hearts, and our memories. Everyone will die one day, right? You will die, and so shall I. But you feel satisfied when you have done everything you could for others. You know that this world does not need you now, and you fade away. This life is short, and no one knows when it will end. So live, laugh and enjoy.

Because this life is a fragile thing.


21st February 1977, Hogwarts, Scotland



James let out a frustated sigh. At one side was his loyal, faithful best mate (who had stood by him in cyclones, and pranks, detentions, quidditch matches, ugly fights with Slytherins and what not) and on the other side was his good-looking, smart girlfriend (who did not like any of his friends and absolutely despised Scarlett, his cousin!).

"What?" James asked, to no one in particular as he buried his face in his quidditch magazine.

"I was thinking about a date--"

"Lets play a prank on the Slytherins--!"

"Shut up, Black! James is my boyfriend and he'll do what I say, right, Jimmy?" Yui yelled at him.

"He's my fucking brother, he'll do what he wants, you don't own and him and don't control his life, all right?" Sirius shouted back, jumping to his feet.

"I'm not--" Yui spluttered with rage, standing up as well.

They got into a heated shouting match with Yui insulting him in Japanese and Sirius replying back heatedly in French. At one point, Yui's bun had come loose and the strands were flying around her face and Sirius's fists with clenched and his teeth were bared, an ugly sneer on his face.

"Bro, what the fuck?" Regulus Black shouted, grabbing his elder brother's arms and pulling him away from Yui, who was held back by her twin, Rin Tsuki, and Dorcas.

Rin shouted something in Japanese at Yui, which managed to calm the Ravenclaw, but she still glared at Sirius.

"French can be pretty colorful when Sirius speaks it," Isadora commented after the drama had passed and McGonagall had assigned both of them detention. Sirius had sulked off to the owlery, probably to write a letter to his mother or Marlene.

"I can't believe you didn't step in and stop them!" Dorcas fumed at James. "Tsuki's a bitch, just dump her and get over with it, all right? I can only stand this much of drama!"

"And she doesn't like any of us," added Alice, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "'Don't make me sit with them, they are so weird and all!'" she mimicked in her best Yui-ish voice.

"As if!" Kate scowled, her eyes turning pure oynx. "Weird and all, homophobic bitch. I only knew about her because her twin's secretly bi and I keep info about bi/pan/lesbian girls."

"That means...?" Isadora shifted uneasily.

"Nope," quipped Kate. "After my break-up with Skylar, I'm not in the mood for another relationship, chill."

Isadora breathed a quiet sigh of relief, which she masked by a rather violent cough, making Emmeline roll her eyes.

I remember someone saying that love makes people paranoid. After seeing Isadora E. Donnell's behaviour, I will not argue with the point. Perhaps love can change people. Sometimes a very good change, sometimes a very bad change, but it is a change nonetheless.


22nd February 1977, Beauxbatons, France


I'm literally fuming right now. I'll just trouble you if I say the reason why, but I assure you I'm fuming. I just got into a small fight with this homophobic bitch. Nothing big. But homophobes just make me angry. Like, okay, you are heterosexual. Fine. No one cares. Carry on with your life. Why the fuck would you insult homosexuals though!? They didn't insult you for being straight, right? So why insult them for liking people of their own gender?

Bruh, I'll stop my political speech now. I must be boring the hell out of you. Keeping that aside, how are you? The pictures aren't enough for me, I miss you. Three or four more months :( feels like three or four decades to me.

Your daily reminder to love yourself, take care, drink water, get your beauty sleep (even if you don't need it) and eat like there's tomorrow. And NO, Marlene Ashley McKinnon, don't you dare tell me you'll be "fat" 'cause no matter what you are, I love you.

Loads of love, kisses, hugs and what not,

Marlene pushed the letter under her pillow and smiled into her pillow, a pink flush spreading on her face and neck.

A/N: Not me expressing myself through Sirius -_- excuse me while I go sob like the senstive bitch I am. Take care and stay safe.


P. S. I actually updated decently...given, I'm not TinaX2 anymore, coming up with an update everyday, but I'm trying :( love y'all.

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