Chapter 3

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I waited by the bikes for a few moments before I heard my stage name being called. 
"Sunny!" came the voice of Lela. She was dressed in her biker gear and was leading the group with Butchy and the other bikers. I waved. 
"Wait, so let me get this straight. You invited this half breed to our pajama party?" Cheechee asked Lela. 
"Yeah, why not? She's nice and she's just got here. She deserves a proper welcome," Lela stated. 
"If she makes your room smell like salt and raw fish, I'm bolting out of there," Cheechee said. I snickered at her comment. 
"Me too," Struts agreed before popping her gum.
"Ignore them, Sunny. You'll be riding with Butchy if you don't mind" Lela said before shooting me a wink. 
"No, I don't mind," I said as the bikers start getting on their bikes and revving them up. 
Butchy then handed me a helmet and told me to get on. I put on the helmet and got on the back of Butchy's motorcycle. 
"Hang on tight. I'm not a slow rider," said Butchy. 
"Well, I do like fast, I replied before Butchy revved his bike and started to ride off. 

I hung on tight as the wind made my hair and my dress flow back. The feeling was nice and it made me 
The ride only took maybe a couple of minutes before we reached a two story house that looked really nice and cleaned up. 
"This is it," said Butchy as he stopped the bike, but the engine was still running. 
"Where are you riding off to?" I asked, taking off my helmet and placing it in the saddlebag on the right of Butchy's bike.
"Oh, me and the guys like to ride at night to my shop. I'll be back later. Toodles, doll," Butchy said as revved his engine and rode off, leading the other guys away from the house. 
"Come on," Lela said grabbing my hand and leading me in to the house. 

The next thing I knew, I was in Lela's room and in pajamas, sitting on her bed.

Lela wasn't in the room, so I was just with the other girls

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Lela wasn't in the room, so I was just with the other girls.
"What are you doing?" asked Cheechee as Struts messed with her now very tangly hair.
" I'm trying something new," Struts replied.
"No," Cheechee argued.
"Come on. One time," Struts pleaded.
"Just keep teasin', Struts," Cheechee said.
"Jiminy jeeps, Chee Chee. How high do you want me to go?" Struts asked as she continued to tease Cheechee's hair.
"Until your ears pop," Cheechee replied.
"Okay, but you better steer clear of ceiling fans," Struts warned.
"And this time, make it even. Last time, I kept tippin' over," Cheechee said with her iconic giggle.

"What do you think?" asked the voice of Lela. I turned my head over to where she was to see she was holding a blue pokadot dress. 
"Oh, my gosh," said Struts. "Okay."
"It's beautiful," I complimented
"Should I wear this to see Tanner?" she asked. 
"--Wait, they know about Tanner?" I asked. 
"Just like they know about you and Butchy," Lela said. 
"Wait, they know about--"
"Of course they do. I tell them everything," Lela said with a giggle. 
"You guys aren't--mad, are you?" I asked. 
"Well, we aint mad cuz Lela digs Tanner, so why should we be mad at you for diggin' Butchy?" asked Struts. 
"Well, you did kind of insult me before we left Big Mamma's, so I'm just kind of confused on where I stand."
"What Butchy wants, Butchy gets. And that's you and as his friends we can't be too mean to you or we'll get it in from him." Cheechee explained. 
"Both Butchy and Lela gave us a talk before we left," Struts said. 
"Oh, I see," I said. 
"Anyways. He loves to surf, and the water's blue, and this dress is blue...So the next time he goes surfing, he'll see the blue water, and he'll think of me," Lela said with a smile.
"Oh, my gosh, I love it," said Struts. 
"If I know my brother, he'd think of you no matter what you wear. He doesn't need you to wear something that influences his hobbies. You could show up wearing your brother's muscle shirt and jeans and he'd still dig you," I said. 
"That's so sweet of you to say, Sunny. But, I think Tanner would really like it if I wore this dress," said Lela. 
"Go for it, girl. Wear whatever you'd like. I'm just saying that Tanner would like you no matter what you wear.""
Aww, you're so sweet. Isn't she sweet?" Lela asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. 
"Sweeter than sugar," said Struts. 
"Like honey," said Cheechee.
"Ooh! We should pick out an outfit for you to wear to see Butchy!" Lela exclaimed. Then all the girls squealed and clapped in agreement. 
"What do you think Butchy would like to see me wear?" I asked. 
"Well, like you just told me, he'd dig you no matter what clothes you wear. But, since you are both biker and surfer, I'm sure you can dig a biker look just like you can a surfer look," said Lela. 
"That would be cool to be dressed in leather for a day," I said. 
"Do I sense a fashion show?" asked Struts. 
"Great idea, Struts!" Lela squealed. 

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