Chapter 7

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17 Years Later

Mack's POV

Grandfather always told me how much I was like my mother. But, he constantly reminded me that I had my aunt Y/N's spirit. My aunt Y/N passed away while my mother was pregnant with me. My grandfather had many regrets after and even more after my own mother passed away. But, I'm happy that my mother and aunt are surfing the clouds together watching me from above. 

It's the summer of 2013 and I met the most amazing and fun-loving boy. His name is Brady. We met each other as he was watching the movie that my grandfather loved so much. He loved it so much because his favorite character apparently looked so much like my aunt. Which from what I've seen she really does. But, I was never really a fan of the movie. It didn't make much sense to me and I prefer things that make sense. 

Brady and I had just finished a fun and exciting day full of surfing and spending time on the beach. We were now holding hands by the shore, holding our surfboards in our free hands. 
"Best day ever!" Brady exclaimed happily as we walked on the shore. 
"Yeah, it was pretty awesome, huh?" I giggled. 
"Awesome? Surfing all day, us being together. Awesome wishes it was this awesome," said Brady. 
"Yeah, it was perfect," I said.
"Yeah, it was," Brady agreed. 
"Um, listen, Brady--"
"Ooh, did you hear about tomorrow?"Brady interrupted, making me sidetrack on what I was going to tell him. 
"Yeah! Can you believe they're talking about 40-foot waves?" I asked, excitedly. 
"There's a huge storm coming up from the north," Brady explained as he pointed north. 
"A surf like that only happens here once every 17 years," I said shaking my head. 
"Can you imagine dropping in on a barrel that huge?" asked Brady. We both laughed.
"Summer's not over yet! Woo!" he exclaimed. 
"Come on, I'm starving," I said, tugging on his hand. 
"Race you to the house," Brady said before running off. I sighed. This was going to be a lot harder to tell him...

I walked up my grandfather's beach house.
"I clearly won," Brady told me. 
"Yeah, yeah," I said bluntly before laying my surfboard down. 
"First thing tomorrow, we hit the beach and that awesome surf," Brady said as he opened the door and walked in, me following behind him. 
"Brady, about tomorrow--"
"W-w-wait. Hear that?" he interrupted me again. I could hear the sounds of my grandfather's television in the other room. "No way!" he exclaimed before walking away to the other room. The two greeted each other. 
"I can't believe you're watching this without me," Brady said as he stared at the screen. 
"Now that you're here I'm not," Grandpa said nonchalantly. I walked into the room. 
"Please tell me this isn't--"
"--Wet Side Story," the two said giving each other fist bumps. 
"Yeah, that," I said with a smile, shaking my head. 
"Ah, 1962, surfers, bikers. Best movie ever made," Brady said, looking to Grandpa who agreed with him. 
"How can you two like this silliness? Especially you, grandpa," I said as I approached the island my grandpa was working on. 
"Silliness? Mack, my dear, this movie defined an entire culture. Not to mention on of the four leads looks exactly like your aunt," Grandpa explained to me. 
"Exactly. I've seen pictures of your aunt and she's like an exact copy of Sunny. A surfer guy and his sister and a biker girl and her brother share a secret love, while trying to unite the rivaling gangs as an evil real estate mogul tries to turn their hangout into a resort by building a weather machine which blows up, creating a massive storm. Silliness? Really?" Brady questioned. 
"Well, can we watch it later? Because I really need to talk to you," I said, more sternly. 
"Just watch my favorite part when the four leads' eyes meet, and they're pulled apart by their rivalling gangs," Brady said. I sighed and turned my face to the screen. 

♪I'm not the kind to fall for a guy
♪Who flashes a smile
♪(It goes on for miles)
♪Don't usually swoon, but I'm over the moon
♪(He was just too cool for school)
♪Now I'm fallin' for ya

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