Meeting competitions (NEW AU)

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Volleyball AU and Part One!


Tubbo sat awkwardly in the bus. He and his teammates were on there way to the next town which was four hours away from their town. The ride seemed to be long and boring but they made occasional stops to do some things. His friend, Tommy, was ranting on about something that Tubbo didn't pay much attention too what he was saying, it wasn't on purpose, He was just simply thinking of all situations of what could happen during the game.

It was just a couple practice games but everyone acted like it was some big thing. They have been driving since 6am and now it's 7am, one more hour until they reach the next town. "Tubbo, are you dozing off again?" Tommy poked at Tubbo's forehead making him flinch slightly. "Oh right, sorry boss man!" Tubbo smiled awkwardly, Tommy just stared for a long minute but then glared "You better not be thinking of all the bad situations" Tommy continued to glare. It wasn't a bad glare but rather a glare that Tommy did when he didn't know how to be comforting, in other words, just aggressive comfort. Tommy started ranting on about how that he shouldn't be thinking about all the bad situations and that he should try to think positively. Tommy is like this, he doesn't know how to really be all sweet so when he does try to comfort people he ends up yelling and being nicely aggressive, Tubbo really didn't mind this about Tommy because he was trying.

Soon the bus stopped and it looked like they were at a school type building, well it was a school. There was already people outside, it was the school's volleyball team. As soon as everyone got out of the bus, they got into a line with the other team in front of them.

The other team was standing up tall with blank faces. That was
New SMP High. Known as being intimidating and having good offense, they didn't have amazing defense but at the same time, it wasn't terrible. Unlike New SMP, L'manberg high had amazing defense, it was what they were mostly known for. One of the best defense in the UK volleyball teams as other people would put it.

The whole reason behind this practice game was because of the difference between the two teams. Even how they acted in games, New SMP was calm and focused, not exactly quiet because they use clear Communication in order to make the game smoother for them but that depends on who are there opponents.

On the other hand, L'manberg is a bit of a loud mess, constantly teasing each other and laughing but that can be a good thing from time to time. L'manberg most of the time doesn't have their thoughts together and ends up doing something dumb but still gets a bunch of points somehow.
They use some kinda of communication to talk, like just screaming and yelling at each other.

When everyone was all lined up, they took turns shaking hands. The game wasn't scheduled until 11:00 so everyone had time to do stuff like walk around. Everyone just made their way to the gym. The gym was huge and there was a lot volleyballs in a box. The net was high and stable, as for L'manberg saw how New SMP spiked. L'manberg decided to go on a couple of benches near by the other exist. Their coach, Philza, went to get everyone lunch so they were left alone with the other team. Even New SMP's coach wasn't here.

Tubbo soon needed to use the washroom but was too scared to ask someone so he just walked off into a hallway, hoping that he'll find the washroom somewhere. Tubbo was feeling tired because he had to wake up at 5am to get his volleyball stuff and get ready. "What are you doing?" A voice spoke from behind Tubbo.

Tubbo turned around and saw a guy who was way taller then him. The guy had blonde hair and wore a black and white mask, those were the features that he noticed first. The guy approached Tubbo who was getting a little intimated but didn't try walking away. "Are you from L'manberg High?" The guy asked "Uh, yeah" Tubbo responded, he was trying to sound normal. Pure silence took over for what seemed like minutes "So, Where are you trying to go- or are you lost?" The guy spoke up awkwardly. Tubbo nodded "So, do you know where are is the washroom?"

The guy nodded "Yeah, follow me. by the way, you went the wrong way" The guy said and Tubbo got embarrassed "Oh shit, sorry" Tubbo apologized "It's fine, this school is very big anyways" the guy laughed quietly. The two started walking. The walk around was quiet and Tubbo found out how far he was from the washrooms. "Also, what is your name?" Tubbo asked, he decided that it would be nice to know the guy's name. "Oh,
Ranboo! How about you?" Ranboo said "My name's Tubbo" Tubbo smiled, Ranboo smiled under the mask but nobody could see anyways. The walk again was quiet, just not too awkward anymore.

"Right there" Ranboo pointed at the boys washroom, Tubbo smiled "What are the directions back?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo thought for a second, he forgot how to explain the directions. He knew where to go, he just didn't know how to explain. "Uh, I don't know how to explain the directions" Ranboo said "Oh- Um, I'll try to find my way back" Tubbo looked ahead at the long hallway the turned to the washroom whilst hoping that he doesn't get lost again. Being lost for him was kinda scary, especially in schools. As a kid being lost was a big fear and it stayed for awhile, just know coming back to him. "Tubbo, I'll just wait for you" Ranboo stopped him, hearing these words made Tubbo let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to have to find his own way back. "Well, thanks!" He smiled and walked into the washroom.

After Tubbo was done, Ranboo was waiting for him by the door to the washroom. Ranboo was on his phone and looked to be scrolling through something. Ranboo soon looked to Tubbo and turned off his phone. "Well, let's go" Ranboo said, putting his phone in his pocket. Tubbo nodded and they started making their way back to the gym.

Once they got to the gym, the two parted ways, going to their teams. "Where did you go Tubbo?" Tommy asked "Washroom." Tubbo answered and picked up the ball. "Well, okay man" Tommy said and continued to talk to the others. Tubbo eventually went to talk to the others once he felt more awake and better.


BEEDUO VOLLEYBALL AU COMING UP!! I loved writing this too much.

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