You, me and the stars :)

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Yes, basically just a normal and somewhat fluffy and VERY short chapter but that's finee. ^^

Tubbo and Ranboo sat on the couch quietly, it was 1am and they were bored out of their minds. Tomorrow Tommy wanted to do a vlog with them along Philza, the vlog was supposed to be all day from morning to evening so Tubbo and Ranboo were told that they should sleep a bit earlier then they usually do but they are still up and not even close to being tired.

Tubbo eventually got up and looked out the window. It seemed to be warm and when he looked up, the sky was full of stars and the moon was shining brightly. It looked very nice out there so he wanted to go outside. He grabbed a hoodie and put it on. Ranboo looked at him and tilted his head slightly. "Can you come outside with me?" Tubbo asked, Ranboo just got up and went to Tubbo. They went outside to the backyard without saying a word.

A soft breeze flew by slowly. The two walked in the middle where the sky can be seen clearly. Tubbo sat down and tugged on Ranboo's hoodie, basically trying to pull him down to sit with him. Ranboo looked down the at brunette and laughed a little, he sat down right next to him and the two just sat there. Tubbo looked up at the stars and stayed looking up for awhile, just mesmerized by the stars.

Ranboo looked at Tubbo and smiled seeing him amazed by the little lights in the sky. Ranboo looked at as well. The stars were indeed mesmerizing

The two stayed like this for awhile, just looking at the stars while sitting on the ground. "Stars are nice" Tubbo spoke, his voice with an amazing tone. Ranboo nodded "Yeah they are" He said, still looking up. It went quiet once again. Tubbo chuckled quietly then tugged on Ranboo's shirt, Ranboo turned his glaze to the brunette. Tubbo pointed at the certain bunch of stars and glided his finger around as if he was tracing the stars "Those bunch of stars are dick shaped!" Tubbo said then started laughing again, Ranboo really thought that Tubbo made a sweet shape of the stars. Ranboo sighed "No- not right now" He couldn't looked at those stars the same anymore, but otherwise, he kept looking at that bunch. At first he didn't see it but after a short minute, Ranboo saw it and started chuckling.

"See? I have a point" Tubbo giggled "No" Ranboo said. Tubbo actually stayed quiet after that. It, Ranboo laid down on the ground, facing up to the sky full of stars.

Tubbo for whatever reason, sat still, just facing up, probably didn't even notice Ranboo lay down. Ranboo just tugged on Tubbo's hoodie and pulled him down next to him. Tubbo turned his head to Ranboo, looking a little confused. "Uh, hi" Ranboo just said, Tubbo smiled at him and looked back at the stars, it seems as the stars grew brighter. Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand, interlocking their fingers together. Ranboo smiled warmly at this sudden touch.

"Hey Tubbo look" Ranboo pointed at a certain group of stars, those stars seems to be in their own group. "It looks like a crown" Ranboo said, Tubbo kept looking but had trouble seeing it. "Where?" Tubbo squinted his eyes to see better, Ranboo sighed then wiggled his hand that was interlocked with the other, he then grabbed Tubbo's hand and started tracing the crown. "Ohh, it does look like a crown" Tubbo said, Ranboo let go of Tubbo's hand and nodded. It went quiet again for another while. 

"Hey Ranboo, not to be a hopeless romantic but look, there's a heart" Tubbo pointed at the stars. Ranboo looked at Tubbo then the stars. Tubbo started tracing out the heart and Ranboo saw it. "Yeah, it does" Ranboo said, nodding a little.

Tubbo put out his hand and made half a heart with it then lining it with the heart of stars. Tubbo nudged Ranboo softly "My hand lines perfectly with the heart" Tubbo said, sounded kinda happy about that. Ranboo laughed a little and made and a heart with his hand then held it up to Tubbo's hand. Ranboo's hand was bigger then his so it was funny because they were trying to make their hands line up with the stars.

The two started giggling and eventually went inside for they wanted to sleep. The two didn't realize how long they spent out there. It was 2:50am by now. Now they just hope that they can wake up on time tomorrow.


Sorry if it's bad, I just wanted to write a chapter because I thought I was taking long with writing!^^

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