'Spooky' story time!

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Tubbo telling a spooky story to Ranboo, trying to scare him? Obviously yes. Also this is gonna be a bit short! Sorry!

It was about 2am, two idiots sat outside in the backyard eating candy and other stuff, they were just outside since they got bored of sitting inside and watching stuff.
For whatever reason, they were using candles to light up around. The two were still bored, it was just better for no reason. Ranboo looked at the sky as he ate some gummies, Tubbo hummed and ate some chocolate. "Hey Ranboo, wanna hear a scary story?" Tubbo asked as he giggled, Ranboo blinked a couple times and nodded, Tubbo giggled and grabbed a candle but accidentally grabbed the actual candle instead of the plate that was holding the candle "Ow, crap" Tubbo swore as he put it down and grabbed the plate, Ranboo started laughing at him.

"Okay, Okay- shut up, it's scary story time" Tubbo said as he giggled a bit then held up the candle between them. Ranboo just stopped laughing and nodded.

"Once upon a time, okay forget the once upon a time part- but anyways, There once was a child" Tubbo said hesitantly as if he didn't know what he was even saying. Ranboo tried his best to not laugh while Tubbo spoke "The child was a villager who loved halloween, the child would go trick or treating every halloween and get loads of candy, they would also go to every single house in the village" Tubbo said, still being a little hesitant but it seemed like now he finally got an idea.

"The village was a big one and had a thing for going all out for halloween, the child was finally almost done, but there was one more house on the hill which was his favourite house to go to" Tubbo continued on, the hesitation left his voice but Ranboo knew that this was just some story that Tubbo made up just now so that gave Ranboo another reason to try not to laugh. "With his big bag of candy, the child walked up the hill and went up to the house, the house had a bunch of realistic dead bodies and skeletons and shit like that, once the child reached the door, he knocked a couple times and yelled "Trick or treat!" then waited for awhile" Ranboo just listened to Tubbo's scary story.

"The child waited for awhile and eventually got impatient, most kids were already done trick or treating since it was getting late, but right when the child got down the stairs, the voice called for them, the child turned around and saw the usual sweet old lady that was also so nice to the kids" Tubbo continued on as Ranboo listened "The child walked back to the house but something was weird, it was like something was telling him to run off but he brushed it off then walked back to the house to get candy- the lady smiled at him as backed away, leaving the door open as if telling him to co-" Ranboo just burst out laughing at that part which made Tubbo laugh as well, they laughed for awhile until Tubbo took a small breath then stopped laughing. Ranboo was still laughing away.

"Okay, Okay- shut up now and let me continue" Tubbo said as he huffed, Ranboo tried to stop himself from laughing so much and held his breath "Okay, pffftt-continue on" Ranboo said as he tried his best not to end up laughing "Alright anyways- the kid walked into the house and something felt so off, the old lady was standing at the end of the long hallway, gesturing for them to come closer, the child did so and came closer, eventually they were standing in front of the lady, she then put some candy in his trick or treating bag but then the door shut so quickly that it went "shooom wabust!!" Tubbo said, making a noise effect which only made Ranboo giggle.

"The lady then started laughing like a.. hyena! Then she turned into some monster and ate the child whole! The end!" Tubbo said as he put down the candle. Ranboo again burst out in laugher at Tubbo's little 'scary' story "Hey! it was good still!" Tubbo said as he grabbed candy, Ranboo continued to laugh as Tubbo started going at him, basically trying to reason why his story was good and scary.

After awhile of Ranboo laughing, he finally stopped since he couldn't breath "Pfftt- okay, okay- nice story Tubbo" Ranboo managed to stutter out from all the laughing. Tubbo rolled his eyes then started laughing along with Ranboo.
They laughed for awhile then just stopped and stared at each other.

Suddenly a noise came from the behind and the two ran back inside, leaving behind the candy.


I don't know why but this was funny to write- anyways have a good day/night/evening/afternoon or whatever! Also remember that you are enough! <3 bye bye!

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