Hey, it's me, everyone's fav (A/N)

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Uh, hello! Guess I'm finally realizing and coming to terms with what I prefer so i'm just gonna say it here.

I'm honestly not interested in writing MCYT related things so I'm ending this book. This was bound to happen soon anyways, i'm still in the MCYT community but i'm basically just there as in occasionally checking in. Guess it wasn't the lack of motivation, so anyways.

Thank you all for the support and love this gotten, i'm very thankful for everyone remaining so kind! Especially when I barely had updates so again, thank you all! Really does mean a bunch.

To the people who were following me from this book, feel free to unfollow because I won't be writing MCYT related things anymore.

That's all, goodbye everyone! Thanks so much.^^

-Sighed by Beebel0ved (Izaberries)

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