After Game

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Volleyball AU part 4!

MY VERY APOLOGIES FOR NOT WRITING THIS AU SINCE SEPTEMBER! I got busy with halloween oneshots and school, I'm so sorry if I made some of y'all think that the volleyball AU is ded! But it's back now- ^^

L'manberg high sat down on some benches near the court, sweat ran down their faces and necks after the intense practice game. The game went good, both teams giving it their best and trying. There was good spikes and amazing receives from everyone but in the end,
New SMP won by five points, it was a close win for L'manberg and that was good. As long as everyone had fun and learned something from this practice game then it was just fine.

"Great job L'manberg, thanks for coming all this way to have a practice game with us" New SMP's team captain came up to L'manberg with his team behind him. Wilbur got up and went to shake his hand "Thank you, we all had fun and maybe look forward to another game with you guys one day again" Wilbur said, giving them a respectful smile. Dream then smirked "But we still beat you guys" He said, with a small chuckle slipping out of his mouth. Wilbur looked at him dead in the eye and raised a brow "Are you trying to start a rivalry with my team?" He said, giving a smirk back "You guys seem like you have a lot of potential and will make good rivals with my team." Dream said before walking back with his hands in his pockets, Wilbur chuckled then also went back to his team.

"We got ourselves a new goal boys" Wilbur said, putting his hand on his hips, Philza came up to them and stood besides Wilbur "You'll all train harder to win against New SMP, that means both offense and defense. Show them who we are" Philza said, looking at each one of the boys who all nodded. "We'll beat those New SMP shits!" Tommy spoke up with a competitive grin, Wilbur went to him and patted his head "I saw whenever you spiked, you always tried to aim towards that 'Raanbow' guy, why is that?" Wilbur questioned Tommy with a curious look on his face, Tubbo began chuckling at the way Wilbur pronounce his name. "Well he's a bitch, I want to beat him" Tommy answered simply, Wilbur laughed at that as he nodded.

"Tommy's just mad because that guy was flirting with Tubbo." Purpled yelled out while scrolling through his phone. "Thought s-" Wilbur was cut off by Tommy's yelling
"Oi! Fuck off, Ranboob is an annoying asshole that flirts with everyone! I saw that he even winked at you." Tommy said, going up to Purpled. Purpled slowly put down his phone and looked at Tommy with a very blank expression "That's disappointing." He spoke dryly before looking back at his phone. This then turned into some dumb argument where Tommy was mostly yelling and Purpled was responding dryly to everything that he said.

Tubbo walked off to go to the restroom while everyone was doing their own thing or watching Tommy and Purpled's argument. The hallways were quiet and cold, Tubbo liked it in the hallways since it was cold. After awhile of walking, he made it to the washroom where he heard some people chatting. Tubbo just stood there for a second before walking in. In the washroom, there was Ranboo and two other New SMP members. The other two besides Ranboo seemed to be arguing about something but stopped once Tubbo entered the washroom "Ooh it's that guy from L'manberg" One of the two murmured before pulling away from the other, Ranboo snickered quietly before giving Tubbo a slight wave. Tubbo waved back at Ranboo, suddenly one of the guys spoke "Hey, you're a freshman or something right?" He asked as Tubbo nodded "Uh yeah"

"Wow, you are actually pretty good for a freshman, kinda like Ranboo here" The new SMP team captain suddenly came out from the stall and stood besides the two guys who were arguing, Ranboo nodded as he drank some water from his water bottle "Well i'm Dream, that's George and the other one there is Sapnap" Dream said as he turned to both Sapnap and George who waved at the same time before glaring at each other, Sapnap then nudged George's shoulder gently.

"Nice play L'manberg, we really look forward to playing with you guys again" Dream have a competitive smirk as he walked out, George and Sapnap followed shortly behind him, looking like they are gonna beat up each other. Tubbo chuckled and watched as the three of them left the washroom, leaving Tubbo and Ranboo there. They ended staying quiet for awhile and doing their own things. Ranboo just on his phone while Tubbo fixing up his messed up hair and doing whatever. Tubbo turned on the tap, turning the cold water on and just standing there for a second, waiting for the water to get colder. Eventually Tubbo splashed the cold water on his face and felt slightly relieved, feeling the cold water hit his skin.

Suddenly thud hit the floor, Ranboo dropped his phone, Tubbo wiped his face softly with his towel and glanced over to Ranboo, the same time, Ranboo glanced over to him which ended up turning into a small staring contest. Tubbo accidentally blinked since he started giggling, Ranboo also started giggling as well with him and they did so for awhile. "I win" Ranboo remarked as he picked up his phone and turned it on before putting it in his pocket "Yeah I know, pfft" Tubbo snickered as he looked in the mirror "Nice dive there, like the one that you made when I spiked" Ranboo complemented, trying to start up a conversation. Tubbo again turned to Ranboo "Oh thanks, that was a good spike as well, I almost didn't get to it in time" Tubbo said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

This small conversation ended up turning into a long one where they just talked about cool things that happened during their practice game. "Well that was very fun, our teams are starting to rival around with each other" Tubbo said with a small chuckle, Ranboo nodded slightly "Yeah I've heard my teammates talk about it, they seem very interested in doing so and beating you guys in an actual game" Ranboo said, taking out his phone and checking the time "Ooh, isn't your bus gonna be here soon?" Ranboo stared at the time on his phone as Tubbo shrugged and took out his phone as well "Yeah in about 30 minutes, so I guess I'll get going" Tubbo murmured as he smiled at Ranboo. "Oh well then, guess I'll see you eventually again" Ranboo said with a small wave "Huh? Aren't you gonna walk back to the gym with me?" Tubbo tilted her head slightly as Ranboo nodded "Oh yeah!- Well guess we should get walking now" Ranboo said with an awkward laugh as he walked up to the door.

"Wait, how about we exchange numbers? I mean- we seem cool with each other" Tubbo giggled, Rambo smiled from underneath his mask and took out his phone. Tubbo did the same and the two exchanged numbers. The two then went on back to the gym.


Now there! More vball AU, sorry again for not updating the AU for awhile! And on another note, I'll be posting an (A/N) later on to tell y'all about some things.^^ Anyways, bye bye everyone! See you all later, I love you guys! <3

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