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How could it of come to this? What did Henry possibly do to get into this situation?

Why did he have to lie?

Henry sat there, chains wrapped around his wrists. Family meant nothing to Harry, Henry learned. Henry was his baby brother, a brother who believed in him.

Henry believed in Harry but Harry didn't believe in Henry.

This is a story about family and loss. Characters indulge in past mistakes and mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression.

Please understand that ddlb is included in great detail in this story, as well as gay relationships so if you don't like either, take this time to leave.

For those who have stumbled to this book, please note that this is a sequel. Pause this book to read Coffee and Aspirin and then come back to read this.

Lastly, for those who have come here after reading Coffee and Aspirin, please join Henry and Jamie's story once again.


- Author.

Milk and Cream: Sequel to Coffee and AspirinWhere stories live. Discover now