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"LET ME GO!" The boy shouted in the empty room, he shook his arms away from the wall as a way to free them from the chains that clanked against one another.

The boy was not exactly a boy at all, but 24 years old. His boyish features caused him to be seen as a sixteen year old boy.

"SOMEONE! LET ME OUT! PLEASE!" The boy wasn't sure how long he had been locked in this room but it had to of been hours.

His throat was raw from screaming for so long and so loud, the chains had dug deep into his pale wrists that dark red cuts had grown on his skin and blood was seeing through them.

Young Harry hung his head tiredly. God, he was so tired. How long ago had he been kidnapped? When was the last time he had eaten or even had a glass of water? Water, goodness... he could kill for a glass.

What did these people even want from him? From what he could remember of them, they didn't look at all familiar. Harry hadn't seen them since he had been roughly thrown in the empty room a few hours ago (?).


His voice was small; timid... when could he go home?

"Dada!" The childish squeals erupted from little Henry as he was met with his daddy's face. Jamie grabbed Henry from the kitchen cabinet and set him on his hip.

"I found you, Baby,"

"Yeah, yeah!" Henry giggled, softly hitting his daddy's shoulders in joy. "Pway again?"

Jamie set his husband down. "One more round, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah! One mores!"

Jamie covered his eyes and turned around then began counting. "One... two... three..."

Henry scurried from the ground and raced up the stairs loudly and went into the bedroom. He could hear his daddy hit number 50, so he had to hurry.

Henry spotted the closet and opened the doors and then made room for him to hide in. Once he had space, Jamie called out that he was coming to find him so Henry quickly crawled in and shut the closet doors.

Hide-and-Seek was Jamie's favorite game! It was soo much fun to play!

The clicks of locks being undone rung rudely in the silence. Harry was honestly surprised he had made it this far without food or anything.

Weakly, he lifted his head from his chest to see two men had entered. A third man came in, shutting the door after himself.

The first man was a burly man indeed. He had a rather long beard that had to be braided; the second was muscular but had nicer features; and the third... the third one... "M-Milo...?"

Yay! Fun times and some spooky times too.

Q: What's your favorite breakfast food?

My answer: egg, sausage, and cheese croissant.

Milk and Cream: Sequel to Coffee and AspirinWhere stories live. Discover now