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Jamie Klinks woke up from the alarm on his phone. His husband was still peacefully sleeping beside him, clutching his penguin Ping to his chest.

Henry, his husband, was a little. A little was someone who entered a headspace that was much younger than their actual age.

And for Henry, he tended to stay between six months and five years. Today was nothing out of the ordinary in the morning.

Jamie had woken up and showered with Henry before changing him into a onesie and coloring with him. The meltdown of the day didn't start until breakfast was prepared and plated.

"Come eat, Love." Jamie had said as Henry was currently in the living room watching cartoons.

"Wait! This is almost over, Daddy." Henry was five now and Jamie didn't have a problem with waiting as the show was displaying the end credits.

Jamie knew that if he didn't get a grasp on the situation soon then Henry would just sit there and watch Peppa Pig for the whole morning until he got bored of it.

Once the outro ended and the advertisements started, Jamie grabbed the remote and shut off the t.v.

Strike one for Jamie.

"No!" Henry yelled. The tone was something Jamie was fortunately and oftentimes unfortunate to be accustomed to. Henry stood on the couch and attempted to take the remote back.

"Henry. The episode is over, it's time to eat." Jamie set the remote down the fireplace mantle then went back to the couch, where an already sobbing Henry awaited.

"W-Want t-t-the show!!!" Jamie knew, right there and then that instead of having a peaceful morning, and relaxing breakfast, he was going to experience a meltdown from Henry.

Jamie temporarily ignored his cries and carried him to a chair beside the island. He turned to the pan of eggs and dropped some on Henry's plate as well as hash browns and to top it off, orange juice in Henry's favorite sippy cup.

Henry's cries were silent now, only a few hiccups here and there but he managed to calm down after drinking his juice.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Jamie asked as he sat next to his husband. Henry shook his head however, and ate his eggs quietly.

Klarisa, Jamie's cat, jumped up on the counter, narrowly missing the bowl of hash browns while jumping on top of the fridge.

They spent their time quietly eating with a few mishaps of Henry making a fuss but soon, his plate was cleaned off and he was ready to color.

"Put your plate and silverware in the sink first, baby."

With a huff of impatience, Henry hurriedly balanced his fork spoon on his plate before dumping them in the sink. Next, he ran up to his daddy, rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Yes," Jamie stood up, carrying his plate and silverware in one hand. "You can go watch t.v."

Henry followed Jamie to the sink and watched him wash the dishes, then said, "Color with me?" Jamie sighed, which Henry knew to be a bad sign.

"Sorry, baby, but I gotta work, maybe later, alright?"

Annoyed, Henry left and went to the nursery. The nursery used to be a guest bedroom but it turned to a nursery after a few months of Henry and Jamie's relationship.

The nursery was brightly lit with a cloud light in the center of the room on the ceiling, the walls were painted a forest green and deer, moose, ladybugs, bumblebee decals decorated the walls along with some trees.

An adult sized crib was the first thing you would see when walking in and to the left of it was the changing station. A book shelf was in the right corner after opening the door, a firefly carpet covered the whole flooring.

It was exactly to Henry's liking. He shut the door loudly, still angry, and grabbed the coloring books from on top of the bookshelf, the crayons from the bathroom (he had to hide them there after Jamie threatened to take them away), and Zara, his stuffed dog from his crib.

Henry laid down in the middle of the floor and flipped to a clean sheet and began coloring.

Little Henry ignored his phone pinging from the changing station. He assumed it was probably Lia asking to babysit her boys again.

Well, that was a problem for Adult Henry.

Milk and Cream: Sequel to Coffee and AspirinWhere stories live. Discover now