A Forbidden Love

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Chapter 1: chapter 1

Chapter Text

12 months ago

I was watching over humans as I usually do, board out of my mind. There is nothing I have not done in my very long life. I have watched Cities rise and fall, I have watched humans at the best and worst. I have seen the extinction of species and the discovery of others. I watched the paranormals come out of hiding and I watched the war that followed. I watched the peace at the end of a 100 year battle. I have seen it all but the one thing that has always amazed me is love. It is one thing I have never experienced, I have seen it more times than I can count and I still don't understand it. How it can either make a person so strong they can face anything or it can destroy a person completely. It is something I vowed would never happen to me. I will never give anyone that kind of power over me.

So there I was watching over the humans as usual when my brother Zeus came over to me and said "I have a task I need to you do for me brother"

I replied "of course what is it"

Zeus looks nervous for a moment then says "I need you to protect a human well he is not actually human he is a werewolf an omega if am not mistaken"

"Why do you need me to protect a werewolf we don't usually interfere with humans"

"It's a promise I made a few years ago to a woman that I would protect her son. He is the first true omega to be born for 200 years since before the war. He needs to be protected from all the alphas that will try to claim him. He has an ability that will manifest when he mates. We don't know what ability he will have, only that it will make him desirable to all wolfs. They will fight over him. It could cause a war between the packs. So will you do it you're the only one I can trust. I would go myself but you know I cannot leave the heavens, there's to much that need to be done"

I have never seen my brother so worked up over a human so I know this must be important to him "I will do it brother but I need to do it my way"

Zeus nods his head at me "of course"

"So what do I need to know?"

"Well his name is Connor Reilly he is 23 years old and he is from Canada. He belong to a pack called the Sons of Anarchy"

"Ok wait did you say his pack is called the Sons of Anarchy sound like a TV show"

Zeus laughs at my joke.

"So do I need to worry about his pack?"

"No his alpha is a really good man his name is Jax his mate is called Antony"

"Ok I will leave as soon as I have packed a bag any idea how long I will be on protection duty"

"just until he mates his scent as an omega will change to that of his mate so the alphas wont be able to scent him"

I turn around say goodbye to my brother. I go to my room although I don't need to sleep so I don't have a bed I do have my own suit filled with all the things I love like music, books and movies. I am a total geek when my bags packed with the things I will need I turn around and just look at my room. I wont be seeing it for a while. I go to the portal that will take me to earth and from there I will teleport to Canada. Hey being a god does have its perks.

I arrive at the Sons of Anarchy pack and make my way to where my brother said Connor lives. Zeus also said Connor would be expecting me although he doesn't know I am a god just that I am there to protect him. I walk up to his cabin door and knock. There is no answer at first so I knock again. When he opens the door in a towel my mouth falls open. I have never seen anyone so beautiful in my very long life. He is simply gorgeous with long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes and a body to die for I can feel my cock harden I hope he doesn't notice.

"Who are you?"

"Hi my name is Poseidon I was told you were expecting me"

"Oh right yeah your Zeus brother come on in. I just got out the shower would you mind waiting in the living room while I throw on some clothes"

"Not at all take your time" I walk over to the couch and look around his house. It is nice feels homely the couch is brown and the walls are white and beige he has a large fire going. Its cosy I can see him late at night curled up reading a book.

Conner walks back in to the room about 5 minutes later dressed in jeans and a T-shirt

"So how is this going to work? are you just going to follow me around and how long will you be staying?"

"Yeah basically and I stay until you find your mate"

I can see Connor blush at the mate comment, humans are so weird about sex its so natural. Why feel embarrassed every one does it there is nothing to be ashamed about

"right so I need to go and see my alpha to tell him your here I need to ask you though before we go what are you a paranormal or human I cant seem to scent you"

I don't know what to say to that. I can change into anything I want but I would be lying to him if I told his I was a shifter, so I decide to go with the truth at least part of it. "am paranormal but am not ready to tell you what type yet. All you need to know is that unless there is a threat in this pack towards you then no harm will come to anyone in this pack. I also won't challenge your alpha. I am hear to protect you that is all'

I can see Connor want to say more on the subject but I move towards the door.

"I will always be in front of you or beside you when we go anywhere. You will do what I say without question when it comes to your safety, my word is law do you understand"

Conner looks shocked "no I don't I am not a pet you can command do you understand I don't even know who or what you are!"

"I am here to protect you that's all you need to know and you will do what I say when I say or I will make you. Do you understand"

I watch as Connor storms off in a huff. God why did I tell Zeus I would do this, not only is Connor annoying but he is so sexy when he is pissed off. I know nothing can come of this so I need to protect him and have as little time alone with him as possible.

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